I think I was reading something here before. Is it in ah neh culture to snatch/take stuff without asking first? If someone stopped them, then they would just shake their head and say sorry? Is this a cultural thing being taught from young?
i will laugh if one day we find out that you are ah neh.......jah will whack you.
TS should train your kid to stay far away from ah nehs. Adult nehs, teenage nehs, toddler nehs all same. They are nothing but trouble
A number of years back at Swenson in bkk, I witnessed an Indian boy using the display shelf below the counter as chin up bar, hanging on to it and lifting his legs from the ground. The parents saw him doing it but did nothing Finally, the shelf gave way, sending all the display glasses, plates and cups crashing down. The parents just pulled the child away like nothing had happened. It was absolutely disgusting. The poor staff had to clear up the mess and I was most frustrated when the manager did not make them pay for the damages.
I think I was reading something here before. Is it in ah neh culture to snatch/take stuff without asking first? If someone stopped them, then they would just shake their head and say sorry? Is this a cultural thing being taught from young?
This is good advice. There's a reason why shit skins are called snakes and why you should kill a shit skin before a cobra. Would you hold and play with a cobra or a snake in fact if you didn't know what species of snake it was or would you keep up your defenses and be totally wary and keep a distance and only handle it with a weapon or a tool for example? Most ppl would never do the former and those that do the former of holding and petting them usually do it in front of an audience.
Handle shit skins like you would do a snake instead of a puppy and it will solve all your problems.
Was wondering if anyone have seen the same thing here as well in Singapore.
But the Thais know how to handle the cobras...
This is good advice. There's a reason why shit skins are called snakes and why you should kill a shit skin before a cobra. Would you hold and play with a cobra or a snake in fact if you didn't know what species of snake it was or would you keep up your defenses and be totally wary and keep a distance and only handle it with a weapon or a tool for example? Most ppl would never do the former and those that do the former of holding and petting them usually do it in front of an audience.
Handle shit skins like you would do a snake instead of a puppy and it will solve all your problems.
So I should prepare a gun when the ah neh kid starts running towards my kid and prepare to shoot?
I agree with you. Last year I was at Resort World Sentosa with my family and we were at this food court that sell so-called Malaysian food and while my wife went to buy food, me and my daughter were sitting at our seats. My daughter who was about 2 years plus was playing with the complementary rugby ball given by the hotel and we were watching a video from youtube at the same time and an indian gal who is slightly older maybe 3 years plus came over and wanted to snatch the ball as well as the ipad! Really KNN. The mum didnt do anything and only when I protest and stop the indian gal from taking our things then the mum pull her away.
I believe they are tourists rather than local indians or indians working in Singapore. I could be wrong though. But very sure they are not local indians.
Was wondering if anyone have seen the same thing here as well in Singapore. I live in an area with a wide mixed of different cultural background. White caucasians, Islanders, Korean, Chinese, Pinoys, south americans and of course ah nehs. I also have an 18 month yo kid that I bring around to the many parks in the area. One thing I've noticed is the interaction of older kids with him, we are talking about 3-5yo here. In particular ah neh kids are self centered, rude and undisciplined. As an example, my kid is at an age now that he likes to pick up toys to play. Kids at the park sometimes will leave their toys, bikes, balls unattended. My kid will usually run towards it and just look at it and point at it. He would also stand there not touching it till I give the go ahead. With the ah neh kids, you will see them run towards him and shout, "Mine mine mine" and snatch the toy away. If I bring his own toy, they would also be the first to snatch it from him as well and play with it. While kids from other cultural background would actually start sharing the toy with him, passing the ball/toy to him instead. Are ah nehs kids just as rude as the ah neh adult FTs in Singapore?
I think I was reading something here before. Is it in ah neh culture to snatch/take stuff without asking first? If someone stopped them, then they would just shake their head and say sorry? Is this a cultural thing being taught from young?
Most of us Indians do not like "no" for an answer. To us, a "no" is a personal affront and an ego-buster. For us, being able to wangle a deal no matter how crooked is something that is laudable. At other times, we are like ostriches with our heads in the sand - we are so engrossed in ourselves that we are incapable of thinking of the fallout of our self-serving actions.
In both instances, a bribe is used to get the work done. It is not the government official who demands the bribe here. It is the "naughty" or "ignorant" common citizen of India who would like the government official to turn a blind eye and proffers money to facilitate this.
But this is a false hope because no one wants to be seen as a perpetrator of a crime or be pointed to as a criminal - sympathy is cornered by the victim no matter how wrong he is.
The ability to create a sense of victimhood nationally is not unique to this particular instance. There is a large number of people who weep for an unlived and unknown golden past that they claim was destroyed by invaders and colonization. We are known to find succor from this ethereal past while diminishing our present.
Same thing in Perth. They are brought up to be very selfish and lawless.
A kind Angmo boss who employed Ah Neh now still recovering from the loss brought about when the Ah Neh stole his trade secrets and set up his own company in India.
I have seen old timer Ah Nehs who cannot stand the behaviors of the current arrivals.
I know the kids, esp the boys, are treasured by Indian families and they are spoilt rotten.
But what I want to know is how do their servants manage to enter Australia to work!!!
Caught one serving her master boy, running after him to collect the toys he throw around, and serving him lunch.
Still, there are a few bright spots from the sub-continent, the southern Indians are better, esp those from the Kerala.
I cannot say the same for Gujaratis, including the Mahatma Gandhi clan.
There are at least 10 Indians Australian public servants caught by CCC for corruption, including a Malaysian Indian, a South African Indian and a Tamil.
With this type of parents, I pity the kids.
Let me share w you all what I encountered last year.
1. Female Dr fm 6th Ave w toddler in cab. Along the way she said to her 3 yr old.
"All things at home belong to me. U got to ask me for permission".
2. Ah Neh kids treat their old-looking housewife mother like maids without respect.
The PRCs are well known for dotting their kids as well. But I don't see them having the same behavior.
PS: I never realised this could be a cultural problem till now. There are good ah nehs around, but the majority since to be this way.