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NY 1.1.2020 400 arrested in HK to spend New Year inside Concentration Camp Cells! 新年快乐!牢饭免费吃!

democracy my butt


修例風波:警指今拘400人 涉非法集結及藏有攻擊性武器

on.cc 東網

20.4k 人追蹤

2020年1月1日 下午11:01








https://hk.news.yahoo.com/修例風波-警指% E4% BB% 8A% E6% 8B% 98400% E4% BA% BA-% E6% B6% 89% E9% 9D% 9E% E6% B3% 95% E9% 9B% 86% E7% B5% 90% E5 % 8F% 8A% E8% 97% 8F% E6% 9C% 89% E6% 94% BB% E6% 93% 8A% E6% 80% A7% E6% AD% A6% E5% 99% A8-150140188.html ? guccounter = 1

Amendments: Police say 400 detained today involved illegal assembly and possession of offensive weapons
[on.cc Eastnet]
on.cc Eastnet


January 1, 2020 at 11:01 pm

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[On.cc Eastnet News] The FDC launched a New Year's Day parade today (1st), which eventually evolved into multiple conflicts on Hong Kong Island. Hong Kong Island (Operations) Senior Superintendent Wu Lejun said that 400 people were temporarily arrested today for illegal assembly and possession of offensive weapons. He also explained the reason for the slashing of the parade this afternoon, emphasizing that the police have always cooperated with the peaceful march and hoped that the march can be carried out smoothly. Unfortunately, the mob continued to commit violent illegal acts, hijacked the parade today, and strangled the citizens to participate in the peaceful march rally. condemn.

Wu pointed out that the parade was relatively peaceful starting at 2.30 pm today; and by 4 pm, the mob began to wreak havoc in various shops, including a bank and a coffee shop. Police arrested Lulu Road, but radical demonstrators Police officers were not allowed to leave, and they immediately requested reinforcements. During this period, they continued to retreat, but were constantly attacked by mobs with hard objects. Police officers warned and called on other people to continue the march, but the thugs were still reluctant to leave, and they continued to attack the police with bricks. The police then used tear gas to disperse and retreated to Lockhart Road.

Wu Xu pointed out that during this period, a mob blasted a petrol bomb to the police officer. The police officer stayed for a short time and hoped that the march could continue, but the mob began to block the road. The police assessed that the procession was no longer safe, and asked the organizer to stop the procession at 5:30 pm, and the main unit began to evacuate the peaceful citizens at 6.15 pm; the police also set up a line of defense on Arsenal Street until the evening At 7 o'clock, the mob was expelled with tear gas, and pointed out that the scene was not a parade route, but was located near Tianlili.

It is reported that 400 people arrested by the police were arrested in Causeway Bay.
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