i guess the resale market in JB is very quiet now. You could take time to browse around. i saw launches at some other near developments at competitive prices like Nusa Antara or Duta. My fav for NI but a thought for decision is great.
I bought NI solely on the phenomenal entrance - strolling up the meandering slope along side the hilly green and overlooking the BI at the mountain leg and that makes NI so exclusive.. (but saw that they are clearing the green when i was in last week and that disheartened me..). :(
My 2 cents speculation- the price will increase further after the completion of P8 shop lots and Nusa Sentral- looks like they are going to complete 1st qtr next year. (just not sure if NI still holds in serenity after the traffic to nusa sentral cuts through)
P7 is very nice.. like an idyllic, pure, structure standing on the mountain top surveilling the far out. but that is only the first few units at the corner at the highest ground. The rest... running down hill..