Posted on 08 Jun 2010
Mindef sends soldiers to 'chope' more than 30 parking lots at HDB Hub
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Michael Chin says these men in uniform prevented people from parking in more than 30 lots at Toa Payoh HDB Hub's carpark. He questions if they really have to right to reserve lots like that.
In an email today (June 8) the STOMPer explained the situation:
"MINDEF sent their staff to block more than 30 carpark lots at Toa Payoh HDB Hub Basement 1.
"Apparently this was for their event at HUB Exhibition Hall on June 8. Those who drove in to the carpark in Basement 1 saw lots of empty lots but were asked to drive off by MINDEF staff.
"I believe these carpark lots are first-come-first-served and all drivers pay their parking fees by the minute."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: chope , parking lots , MINDEF
Mindef sends soldiers to 'chope' more than 30 parking lots at HDB Hub
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Michael Chin says these men in uniform prevented people from parking in more than 30 lots at Toa Payoh HDB Hub's carpark. He questions if they really have to right to reserve lots like that.
In an email today (June 8) the STOMPer explained the situation:
"MINDEF sent their staff to block more than 30 carpark lots at Toa Payoh HDB Hub Basement 1.
"Apparently this was for their event at HUB Exhibition Hall on June 8. Those who drove in to the carpark in Basement 1 saw lots of empty lots but were asked to drive off by MINDEF staff.
"I believe these carpark lots are first-come-first-served and all drivers pay their parking fees by the minute."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: chope , parking lots , MINDEF