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Posted on 21 Jul 2010
Fallen trees all over S'pore due to storm
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Fallen trees were spotted by STOMPers in at least two parts of Singapore yesterday (Jul 20), due to the heavy rain.
STOMPer kentan sent us this picture of a fallen tree outside Yio Chu Kang stadium
He writes in an email:
“When I was heading home from work after a downpour, I walked past Yio Chu Kang stadium and saw this.”
STOMPer Lim Wen Sheng also came across this tree, which was yet another casualty of the deluge.
He says:
“A record number of trees fell yesterday during the heavy rain in the afternoon.
“I passed by Upper Thomson Road and Yio Chu Kang Road between 2-3pm when I was on my way back to the office after lunch.
“I encountered two road blocks at the above mentioned areas.
“The accident at Yio Chu Kang Road was pretty serious, as a casualty resulted from it.”
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: heavy rain , fallen trees
Fallen trees all over S'pore due to storm

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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Fallen trees were spotted by STOMPers in at least two parts of Singapore yesterday (Jul 20), due to the heavy rain.
STOMPer kentan sent us this picture of a fallen tree outside Yio Chu Kang stadium
He writes in an email:
“When I was heading home from work after a downpour, I walked past Yio Chu Kang stadium and saw this.”
STOMPer Lim Wen Sheng also came across this tree, which was yet another casualty of the deluge.
He says:
“A record number of trees fell yesterday during the heavy rain in the afternoon.
“I passed by Upper Thomson Road and Yio Chu Kang Road between 2-3pm when I was on my way back to the office after lunch.
“I encountered two road blocks at the above mentioned areas.
“The accident at Yio Chu Kang Road was pretty serious, as a casualty resulted from it.”
Click on thumbnails for larger image

Keywords: heavy rain , fallen trees