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Not blue pill.. but laughter's best medicine


Alfrescian (Inf)


10 June 2021

Macron and the slap​



Alfrescian (Inf)


Peter Sully
10 June 2021

The Morris-son Dancer

Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison leads his country on a merry dance, avoiding any responsibility for decisions in case they make him look bad.


Alfrescian (Inf)

Jack goes into the Ritzy Glitz Restaurant and treats himself to a huge meal with lots of champagne, finishing up with a Havana cigar.

Finally the waiter brings the bill on a silver tray. It comes to ninety -nine dollars and ninety -nine cents, so Jack pays him with a hundred-dollar bill.

About five minutes later, he calls the waiter back and asks for his change.

Without altering his expression, the waiter leaves and returns a moment later with the silver tray. On it is a penny and a pack of condoms.
Jack is shocked, and demands an explanation. The waiter lifts his nose in the air, and says,

"Sir, it is the policy of our restaurant to encourage customers like you not to reproduce !"


Alfrescian (Inf)
‘Painful to watch’: Joe Biden apparently gets lost at G7 summit, wanders into cafe
— RT USA News https://www.rt.com/usa/526465-biden-lost-cognitive-decline/

First Lady Jill Biden then steps in and beckons her husband toward her, before leading him away by the hand as diners laugh out loud.

Biden’s demeanor and apparent confusion raised eyebrows online, particularly among American conservatives, who have claimed since last year’s campaign that Biden was showing signs of cognitive decline. Video footage of Biden’s verbal gaffes and blunders since becoming president – like forgetting the names of his own officials and losing his train of thought at his single solo press conference – have only lent weight to their claims.

shit, he may push the wrong button...

“This is really painful to watch,” conservative journalist Kyle Becker tweeted.