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Not blue pill.. but laughter's best medicine


Alfrescian (Inf)

Miss Travelling


Alfrescian (Inf)

World’s first PORN university to open in Colombia with lectures on ‘what matters in an erection’ and ‘live sex workshops’

PORN actress Amaranta Hank has just opened the world's first University of Porn.
The sex-school offers workshops and conferences which specialise in production, acting and sales of pornographic materials.
 Real name Alejandra Omana Ruiz, the actress hopes to educate budding porn stars
Real name Alejandra Omana Ruiz, the actress hopes to educate budding porn stars

The X-rated star originally worked as a journalist, and rose to fame in her home country of Colombia after losing a bet in which she promised to strip naked for a shoot with SOHO magazine if her home football team, Deportivo Cucuta got promoted to the top division.
Following the success from her racy snaps, Hank opted to change careers and hasn't looked back since.


Now she wants to help budding porn producers and actors to develop their careers with her Porn University.
Located in Medellin, Colombia, the first school of the pornographic industry offers 'live practices' with Amaranta professing the best way to learn how to do something is to do it yourself.

A seasoned professional, Amaranta reportedly films racy scenes with up to 12 people in a day and hopes to pass on practical tips in resilience and motivation in her x-rated lectures, as well as show them how to enjoy their work.

Specialised classes reportedly on offer at the University of Porn

  • 'What matters in an erection, natural chemical and mechanical erections'
  • 'Being a porn actress in a macho society'
  • 'How to project your image: what kind of porn actress am I?'
  • 'Spotting false and abusive producers'
  • 'How to make a profit'
  • 'How to make the perfect porn scene'
Amaranta was inspired after speaking to several people who weren't in the industry about their desire to get a taste of the sexier side of life.
She said, "the idea came after receiving several messages daily from people who confessed to me being tired of their work routine, and their desire to become porn stars or enter the business."


New Member
I've been visiting this blue pill post every single day for many many years, looking forward to the next joke, meme etc etc.
The laughter keeps me going daily. I'm always sad when i don't see any new post.
I always wonder where you guys find all this stuff from.

I just want to thank you guys for all the laughter. You have no idea how much it means to me. Thank you again