Sometimes I wonder if Tharman says things to be popular. The retirement age and wanting to retire are mutually exclusive. The first is a threshold value to trigger a series of regulatory or programme related events such as benefits such a concessionary rates for the elderly, release of retirement savings, eligibility for certain medical procedures and to protect a worker from exploitation.
Remove the retirement age and it will lead to scams such as open ended contracts.
Tommy Koh is famous for letting people hear what they want and he has never said any thing unpopular in his life even if it's the truth. So when you get Tharman and Tommy together you are bound to hear jingles bells and see snow flakes. And you have the prostitutes from the state controlled media rushing in to tie a red ribbon over it.
That's what I said too. Really strange that government decides when a person can retire. Even my ah Kong cannot decide for me.
Personally, I think that retirement age should be removed as well. Most of us will live till at least 80 years old and life expectancy may increase to 90 so there is a need to drop this mindset of completely retreating from economic activity.
Retirement does not mean doing nothing. A person in his old age may take up a lower paid job that he truly enjoy in his retirement years.
These 2 used to be my dark horse shining hope for singapore. One lived in New York for over 20 years, and I had hoped that his outlook on life would be more worldly and open minded. After all he experienced what it was like to live in a real democracy and saw first hand work/live quality that americans enjoy as well as the political freedom they have. the other one was arrested under the ISA and subject to interogation, and hence experienced the worse and ugly side of the PAP. Now it seems like they have been totally brainwashed, mouthing this sort of shit.
People will retire when they are well and ready to retire. It will depend on what work they can find, and what is their mental and physical health like. Just because Tommy is 78 and wants to continue working and not play golf, good for him. But if Tommy could find only a $2000 job at his age, like many sinkies do (instead of the millions $ he earns a year), I wonder if he would rather just retire?
Prof Koh and DPM Tharman certainly believe too much in their self-importance and personal clout; having lived the high life and still safely entrenched in their respective ivory towers looking down on creation! First and foremost, the issue of retirement is always a personal one; deeply rooted in dollars and cents (affordability) and sense and sensibility (question of timing based on state of health/sense of fulfillment) in no particular order. I am sure many Singaporeans want to retire now at the drop of a hat but cannot afford to do so because of the PAP system of government (pay and pay). No free lunch ever in Singapore! (pse don't include the free vegetarian meals at Singapore Buddhist Lodge)
U can retire anytime and live on fresh air!
Successful people in their careers mostly don't want to retire. Those who want out often are those who aren't doing so well or cannot mange their time between office and personal commitments.
Success at the expense of selling body or soul is called success or not? Like MALAYSIAN MISTRESS Mandy Lieu bitch of the century.
Who the fuck is Mandy and why do you keep mentioning her? She broke your heart and ran off with a midget nigger?