Re: Just obtained my driving license need some advice... (travelling SG to JB,to and
Hi, I am considering cars like
1. Kia Picanto
2. Perodua Kenari
3. Proton Savvy
All these are budget cars i feel .. are they suffice to allow me to travel daily from JB to SG , to and fro?
On top that, should i buy a normal or a OPC car plate?
hope living in JB people can advise.
Thank you..
Yes agree if you are on a budget bor pian do get a msian make car,kenari,myvi or savvy,
touch wood,just in case if you get into a minor accident or if some parts came off or koyak,fret not
their carworkshop has plentiful of spare parts easily availiable.
and yes OPC for you too.
another good idea is if you are not married get a msian wife or gf,buy a msian car and ask her to sent and fetch you to and from work,
but she must be willing and happy to sacrifice for you,if she is not happy and make noise then dump her and
run as fast as you can...i've a 2 friend staying at bukit indah/pelangi doing that so far so good but happy ending yet to be seen
i think quite friend says brillant idea but i tink better forgo this silly idea lah.
ok thanks..
my insurance is crazy.. quoting me $3800 for comprehensive..
crazy...gila..siao..too much..
Can I drive the JB car to the bus terminal and leave it there for a few days without worry on the car's safety ?
Look forward to some kind advice.
please don't leave your car for a few days anywhere in msia except your own condo carpark
1st time you may be lucky,2nd or 3rd time very very good chance your poor car may get cannibalise.