Hi all.. i just return back from macau...
5 days tour..
just update you guys about the casino i went..
1: Galaxy Macau
Surprise to see 3 cash cove there.. but it sound different and have different animation during big win..
and holiday in venice fg theme is played during the cc Fg... i was like..

another thing i must say is the DCDF world.. is very nice..
and if 1st 500 die... 2nd 500 sure win back... can say all the machine is giving $$$.. only must know when to leave..
fh n progessive come v often...
Points system.. 15points redeem $100 meals voucher.. 1 day can only redeem 2x ($200)
super good deal.. provided the makan there is quite expensive.. after redeem finish (points start from 6am to next day 6am)
points will still be inside... can use to further deduct on makan...
i remember eating at 1 place.. cost us $480.. we use 4x $100 meals voucher.. then use points to deduct the remain.. free makan...
At my stay at galaxy playing until 1am.. a friendly staff approach me.. say wanna give me FREE room.. i was like...

only playing like 80points that day.. i ask if i need to use point to change.. she say it FREE... in my heart i was WOW...
maybe i just change my card from gold to platinum earlier on... she say if tomorrow i play same points.. there will be staff to approach me..
now i blame myself stupid to spend $$$ on 4 nights...
2: Parisian macau
This 1 just open few days ago... on the 13th sep..
Environment is v nice... got the paris feel and it Eiffel tower...
18points to change $100 meal voucher 1 day can change 2...
12points to change mystery box.. and other Parisian Macau items...
Slot machine is the latest version with USB port to change handphone during slotting..
same like galaxy... maybe it new.. the machine seem giving $$$ but u need to know when to leave...
3: Broadway macau
Since this is the hotel i stay in.. If it getting late... I will gamble here.. cos no more free shuttle bus..
1st 3points for $50 meal voucher.. another 15points for $100 meal voucher..
Card use the same card as galaxy...
Super small casino... air con v strong.. and since it small and less people... so DCDF can expect to get alot of
progressive encounter... However at the casino.. i almost 3k HKD here...
4: Studio Macau
I stay 2 days in the casino.... every time you took a bus from esle where to this casino... u can get a lucky slip..
tear it open to reveal it prize.. we got 4 person.. 3 outta 4 slip is FREE golden reel ride ($100 per ride)
Hotel inside got 6 mineral water.. however inside the casino.. we cannot find ANY mineral water anywhere..
but aunty with Coffe/tea is everywhere.. so

Points system is not very good... as it only good for NEW members.. no meal voucher for this casino...
but can changes alot of "studio city" items
3 points for umbrella
20 points jacket/hoody
15points bluetooth speaker..
and etc....
Slots itself.. not really lucky.. I was lose MOST of my $$$ here....
Fg dun come as often compare to galaxy....
Since my 4 days stay is with broadway and studio city..
and this 2 casino is also the 2 casino i lost the most $$$..
and after losing $$$ i had to return back to galaxy to win back...
meaning Galaxy macau should be the number 1 choice Now..
and staff will approach u to give free room on n off...
Points is SUPER easy to UP.. i play 10c bet 1 (8.80) on DCDF..
1hrs can keep 5points already.. every meal can save $$$