Xia suay to the max as stinky chinks would say.
Tiongs totally lost all face.

No amount of face saving propaganda will change the simple fact that Tiongkok got no balls to carry out their threats. In taiwan, teeny tiny Taiwan next door against a country from 10000 km away and that's less than 25% of tiongkok popn.

Genetic inferiority is the only explanation.
Even that may not fully explain it.
Coz I can't think of a time, any time, in history, when stinkypura dot sized peesai kafir rat was militarily weaker - in aggregate - than any country on Earth, from
anywhere on Earth - that had a population less than 25% of stinkypura. In 1965? Dun think so. Stinky popn was <2 million back then. Which country with less than 0.5 million ppl had a stronger military than stinkypura back then in aggregate?
Today which country with less than 1.5 million ppl got stronger military than stinkypura ?
so inferior race and IQ alone also can't explain it.
after all, stinky chinks are coolie gene peasant prostitutes whores harlots rickshaw pullers opium addicts and their descendants. these are not descendants of tiong elites, the scholars, intellectuals, litterati and the likes.
so much for the incredible chyyyyyyyyyyynnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaa speeeeeeeeeeed, never ending chhhhhhyyyyyyyyynnnnnnaaaaaa sppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeed,.

it also shows that not only is Iran a loser and a coward, which it historically has been since it was easily conquered by all and sundry like greeks arabs mongols (twice - hulagu khan of ilkhan regime and timur the lame of timuri regime) brits soviets yanks etc
it also shows that inferior race tiongs and slavic cockroaches are also inferior
while yanks and their poodles openly provide weapons to ukraine and arm ukraine and also send politician to taiwan defying russkies and tiongs, the russkies and tiongs don't dare to arm afghan taliban with nuclear warheads and ICBM.
you arm, provide nuclear warheads and ICBMs to
1. Hamas
2. Hezbollah
3. Houthis.
4. Islamic Jihad
5. Afghan Taliban
6. Rohingyas in Arakan
7. Iran
8. Syrian regime
9. Venezuela
10. Cuba
and you can continue this list until you hit 150 export customers, then you can earn top rubles and top yuans. of coz, nobody will accept yuans today since tiongkok lost face to the max.
no point trying to bully tiny taiwan or lousy unarmed ASEAN countries since we all know ASEAN has historically been lousy and remains true today
instead russkies and tiongs should show their mettle and prove they got spine by openly and publicly arming anti-yankee forces that attack yankee territory. you export nuclear bombs and ICBMs then you immediately change the balance of power without any delay.
how lousy are the tiongs.
pathetic inferior races.