Bro, you should have invited me to attend with you. I will skip those with earpieces and point out to you the undercover officers. I can smell them! I will probably meet several of my ex-colleagues too.
Agree with you on PS. Enjoyed his attack on the MIWs. Sadly, he gave examples of the OVERT cases. Impact can never compare with the COVERT ones, especially those in the past decade - scandals, extra marital affairs, CPIB probe etc. Maybe, just maybe, Ah Low should invite me upstage. After I am done, sure a thrashing for Desmond Choo! Even Lionel the Dog will runroad.
YSL? Who the hell is he compared to his "seniors" in the MIW? YSL is just a novice compared to the YSLs in the PAP.
Inviting me, bro?