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My friend wife and him sleep seperate room for 2 year le


Most of the time is becas if divorce the hubby have to share his hard work money with the useless wife :geek:
My uncle's kopi kaki also same same.
My neighbour is kinda like the opposite. It's the hubby that's the slacker & the wife supplements everything in the house, including his car & a maid


Nothing unusual, esp. when one of them snores loudly til ghost also run or like to move positions around during sleep, how to sleep together?

Contrary to traditional beliefs, sleep separately has much more benefit as it gives each spouse more space to do their own things without disturbing the other.
For the wife might be freedom to put things where she wants and watch soap opera til very late.

For guys, obviously it's surfing porn & PCC, rinse and repeat.
I know quite a few STILL ACTIVE couples who actually mutually agree to sleep apart. They say more space, better rest etc. They still do like what any other couples do but they only sleep apart in different rooms. Oh yes, they're loaded:biggrin:


Some estranged couples are together because of the HDB flat.
This I am sure, not forgetting mainly because of the kids. But then again, what kind of environment & impression are they imprinting in their kid's minds? Their next gen sure screwed up :cautious:


We have the same situation, cause i need to study at night. The relations are still the same.
Last night i was reading my essay translation (these guys helped with them https://translationreport.com/top-10-translation-services) until 3am and i had full lights on. Not sure that love can make such a sleeping situation bearable for someone, right? It is better if people can talk about the things which are uncomfortable for them and find a common solution. That is one of them, so why not.
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Nothing unusual, esp. when one of them snores loudly til ghost also run or like to move positions around during sleep, how to sleep together?

Contrary to traditional beliefs, sleep separately has much more benefit as it gives each spouse more space to do their own things without disturbing the other.
For the wife might be freedom to put things where she wants and watch soap opera til very late.

For guys, obviously it's surfing porn & PCC, rinse and repeat.
Exactly. Contrary to popular belief, sleeping separately does not always equal to problems in the relationship although I would say in most cases yes but not all. There are indeed benefits in sleeping separately as you already mentioned and it's certainly more healthy actually. So, there's really no need to get excited over some couples sleeping separately as the reasons may be more varied than we think.


Maybe one need aircon the other dun need?
Correct. One of my female friend must have aircon set at 21 Deg every night else she will perspire or can't sleep.

Tell me how to sleep with such siao lang?

Knn moi room set at 27 deg already feel very cold..lol.