Hey moron, this type of post indicates the absolute limit of your intellect.
What a low class scum you are with this kind of post.
The anti- Singaporean jiuhu kia at it again, pretending to be ani PAP but in reality posting here to try to stir up shit for Singapore. Some idiots here cant see through you but most can.
I am sure it is normal for you and your family to do such things but certainly not mine. I hope you and your mother enjoy one another.
You may not know it but you are the daft one. Sam describes you well, the ''know it all '' spouting toxic bullshit all the time.
You must have shit in your eyes.
You sound like a complete idiot. Is it because you have been vaccinated more than 10 times?
You are the most unpatriotic idiot, if you are Singaporean in the first place. Its one thing to kpkb about the ruling party but you bitch and try to ridicule everything Singaporean. You must be a foreigner with an agenda in this forum with the aim of stirring Singaporeans up to cause trouble...