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Muslims actually enjoy posting this kind of meme these days


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Quote me where I say christians are always lying.

It has always been your forte. When people say things about islam you don't like to hear, they are lying. When they praise your religion, they are correct.

I said, you are pagan, polytheists and idol worshippers who thinks the bible is the word of god but most never read the Bible so they do not know it's full of errors and contradictions which they further compound by not following what is written in it.

I say you are the real pagan, polytheist and idol worshipper. You literally bow before a stone 5 times a day.

Your quran is full of errors because it came from a man who had no honor, didn't even follow his own religious laws, cheated on his wife, and finally died with his cock standing after suffering 3 years from poisoning caused by a vengeful woman whose family he and his men murdered.

I say you're a hypocrite. You go to church to build your business.

I say you are a liar, a traitor and you are lower than a swine. You go to your mosque to support jihadist mentality. You will burn in hell alongside your fake prophet, muhammad, and you know it.
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