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Muslims actually enjoy posting this kind of meme these days

Scrooball (clone)

The production value, lighting and scripting of the video is truly world class. Which studio created this masterpiece? Lucasfilms?


Why Muslims go rioting when someone tear a few pages of the quran but Christians do nothing when someone burn the Bible or even make fun of Jesus Christ?
Do you not get offended and angry when your wife, daughter, mother or a loved one gets violated?
They truly believe the book from Allah must be respected. Unlike the hypocrite christians who don't actually believe anything.
I am not saying Muslims are right in doing that as Allah has promised that He himself will ensure the book remains preserved.


Here is a challenge for islamophobes:

Ask whatever higher power you have in mind for guidance, sincerely. Then

Pick up a translation of the Quran. Open to a random page. Point to a random verse. Read it and tell us that it is not telling you something.
Quran 47:4 – “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom.

Quran 3:54​

And they cheated/deceived and Allah cheated/deceived, and Allah (is) the best (of) the cheaters/deceivers.


Quran 47:4 – “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom.

Quran 3:54​

And they cheated/deceived and Allah cheated/deceived, and Allah (is) the best (of) the cheaters/deceivers.
You can cheat humans but really you wanna play games with Him?


Do you not get offended and angry when your wife, daughter, mother or a loved one gets violated?
They truly believe the book from Allah must be respected. Unlike the hypocrite christians who don't actually believe anything.
I am not saying Muslims are right in doing that as Allah has promised that He himself will ensure the book remains preserved.
The Bible teaches Christians to love and pray people who hate and persecute them. Islam teaches Muslims to behave worst than kuffars to go rioting?


The Bible teaches Christians to love and pray people who hate and persecute them. Islam teaches Muslims to behave worst than kuffars to go rioting?
Where did you read in the Quran teaches to riot?
Anyway 'turning the other cheek' is just a convenient expression. The hypocrite never do that.


Where did you read in the Quran teaches to riot?
Anyway 'turning the other cheek' is just a convenient expression. The hypocrite never do that.
You say right. God's commadments are like a mirror to highlight our sins. We can never do enough to meet God's standards to be saved, that's why God needs to pay the price of our sins for us. Only arrogant people think they can work themselves and go to heaven on their own merits.


You say right. God's commadments are like a mirror to highlight our sins. We can never do enough to meet God's standards to be saved, that's why God needs to pay the price of our sins for us. Only arrogant people think they can work themselves and go to heaven on their own merits.
Where did I say any of that?
Those are christian thinking.


Only one human can outplay him, as Allah is the master of deceiving.
For some unknown reason, Allah deceived the world into believing that Jesus was crucified when Allah in fact rescued him ... and gave rise to Christianity. So Allah is the real founder of Christianity?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The only 'scripture' in Islam is the Quran. Hadith are not scripture but actions and sayings of the Prophet compiled by human

Wrong. The hadith is equally scripture as it forms an important basis of islamic law. The hadiths are also used to help mohammedans better understand their various versions of the quran.

and there are many instances in history of people, esp christians, faking new hadiths

You even called hadiths from bukari, the most reputable of hadith compilers, a fake, when the hadiths displeases you. Now you want to further blame the Christians for any embarrassing events recorded in your own religious scriptures?

But little do they realise, the stringent criteria of authentication, something totally missing from authenticating the bible. Eg, the translations from Greek to English bible is rife with mistakes and forgery.

'Stringent' is a word not associated in the islamic religion when it comes to research. 'Mob riots' and 'death threats' are used more often when moslems cannot handle the truth about their religion and only 'prophet' , mahomet, he who died cock standing.

The ones who are saying Muhammad is the Greatest Man who Ever Walked the earth are actually westerners and christians.

Didn't you say above the 'Christians' are always lying? So when some random Christian praise your 'prophet', he's suddenly no longer lying? Knn, you're really a cocksucker!

See how you are so desperate for endorsement from good white people and Christians?


For some unknown reason, Allah deceived the world into believing that Jesus was crucified when Allah in fact rescued him ... and gave rise to Christianity. So Allah is the real founder of Christianity?

Islam came after judaism and christianity.


Didn't you say above the 'Christians' are always lying? So when some random Christian praise your 'prophet', he's suddenly no longer lying? Knn, you're really a cocksucker!

See how you are so desperate for endorsement from good white people and Christians?
Quote me where I say christians are always lying.
I said, you are pagan, polytheists and idol worshippers who thinks the bible is the word of god but most never read the Bible so they do not know it's full of errors and contradictions which they further compound by not following what is written in it.

I say you're a hypocrite. You go to church to build your business.