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Muslims actually enjoy posting this kind of meme these days


Here is a challenge for islamophobes:

Ask whatever higher power you have in mind for guidance, sincerely. Then

Pick up a translation of the Quran. Open to a random page. Point to a random verse. Read it and tell us that it is not telling you something.


Likewise I can stare into a cup of hot swirling tea and decipher the universe from the leaves.

Your mind will just see whatever it wants to see.
That's the point. Those words will form a message tailored for you in your mind. And in most cases it is relevant to the issues you are currently facing in your life. Isn't that a miracle? Are you afraid?

Can the swirling tea do as much? No.


Keep comforting yourself ... you will get better one day.

Race and IQ


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Here is a challenge for islamophobes:

Ask whatever higher power you have in mind for guidance, sincerely. Then

Pick up a translation of the Quran. Open to a random page. Point to a random verse. Read it and tell us that it is not telling you something.

And to Solomon [We subjected] the wind - its morning [journey was that of] a month - and its afternoon [journey was that of] a month, and We made flow for him a spring of [liquid] copper. And among the jinn were those who worked for him by the permission of his Lord. And whoever deviated among them from Our command - We will make him taste of the punishment of the Blaze.

They made for him what he willed of elevated chambers, statues, bowls like reservoirs, and stationary kettles. [We said], "Work, O family of David, in gratitude." And few of My servants are grateful. (moslem quran, 34:12-13)

Wow! King Solomon in the quran is depicted as having close associations with demons, and exploiting them to build his palaces and kettles.


And to Solomon [We subjected] the wind - its morning [journey was that of] a month - and its afternoon [journey was that of] a month, and We made flow for him a spring of [liquid] copper. And among the jinn were those who worked for him by the permission of his Lord. And whoever deviated among them from Our command - We will make him taste of the punishment of the Blaze.

They made for him what he willed of elevated chambers, statues, bowls like reservoirs, and stationary kettles. [We said], "Work, O family of David, in gratitude." And few of My servants are grateful. (moslem quran, 34:12-13)

Wow! King Solomon in the quran is depicted as having close associations with demons, and exploiting them to build his palaces and kettles.
Obviously you don't know the difference between jinns and demons.
Shall I educate you? Of course not. No way to teach polytheists, because they're as low as demons themselves.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Obviously you don't know the difference between jinns and demons.
Shall I educate you? Of course not. No way to teach polytheists, because they're as low as demons themselves.

They both are demonic.

Should I mention that the jinns/demons in your qurans are retards? They continued to slave and toil away while your islamic-version of Solomon died and was propped up on a stick before them.


They both are demonic.

Should I mention that the jinns/demons in your qurans are retards? They continued to slave and toil away while your islamic-version of Solomon died and was propped up on a stick before them.
You can quote anything from the Quran because it's from Allah. And btw you're equivalent to the retarded jinn who worships idols.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You can quote anything from the Quran because it's from Allah.

No it isn't. The quran isn't even entirely from mahomet, he who died cock standing. Your hadith scriptures made it clear that mahomet agreed to edit his own quran after advice from one of his scribes.

And btw you're equivalent to the retarded jinn who worships idols.

Here are some idol worshippers. All from your islamic religion.




Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
You fantasies dying cock standing and project it to prophets you hate.

You're are denying your own scriptures yet again when you feel it embarrasses you. The sources I quote were from islamic texts.

Too bad Muhammad pbuh, is unequivocally acknowledged as the greatest man to ever walked the earth because he tops almost every category. Just Google it

Only acknowledged by mohammedans like yourself, who will riot on the streets if people disagree or point out the truth about mahomet's conduct.

Your 'greatest man' suffered for 3 years in agony after being poisoned and died cock standing. It's from moslem sources. mahomet, he who died cock standing, was poisoned because his men killed the family of a Jew woman and enslaved her.

It looks like you define 'greatest' by the amount of war destruction he is able to inflict on others. You are admiring a bully and a murderer, not a great man.


You're are denying your own scriptures yet again when you feel it embarrasses you. The sources I quote were from islamic texts.
The only 'scripture' in Islam is the Quran. Hadith are not scripture but actions and sayings of the Prophet compiled by human and there are many instances in history of people, esp christians, faking new hadiths. But little do they realise, the stringent criteria of authentication, something totally missing from authenticating the bible. Eg, the translations from Greek to English bible is rife with mistakes and forgery.
Only acknowledged by mohammedans like yourself, who will riot on the streets if people disagree or point out the truth about mahomet's conduct.

Your 'greatest man' suffered for 3 years in agony after being poisoned and died cock standing. It's from moslem sources. mahomet, he who died cock standing, was poisoned because his men killed the family of a Jew woman and enslaved her.

It looks like you define 'greatest' by the amount of war destruction he is able to inflict on others. You are admiring a bully and a murderer, not a great man.
The ones who are saying Muhammad is the Greatest Man who Ever Walked the earth are actually westerners and christians.
Here is a good vid for the people:

syed putra

Here is a challenge for islamophobes:

Ask whatever higher power you have in mind for guidance, sincerely. Then

Pick up a translation of the Quran. Open to a random page. Point to a random verse. Read it and tell us that it is not telling you something.
So your god is the book?