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Posted on 16 May 2010
Malaysian SUV parked on pavement at Pasir Ris traffic junction
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STOMPer Tang saw this Malaysian SUV parked on a pavement at a traffic junction near Pasir Ris West Plaza at about 11.45pm yesterday (May 15).
"Said the STOMPer:
"I saw a Malaysian SUV parked on the pavement just after a traffic-light crossing yesterday at around 11.45pm, near Pasir Ris West Plaza.
"An uncle was standing nearby. He reversed out to the main road when another SUV came to 'find' him from the opposite side of the road, which later made a U-turn.
"Did he think this was Malaysia, that he could just park anywhere?
"He was also endangering the people waiting to cross the road by reversing abruptly.
"Often after late midnight, bikes are seem taking short-cuts through the traffic-light crossing to turn into the opposite street.
"Isn't there any way to curb these problems? Maybe some barricades should be built on the pavement."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: motoring goondus , malaysian motorbike
Malaysian SUV parked on pavement at Pasir Ris traffic junction
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Tang saw this Malaysian SUV parked on a pavement at a traffic junction near Pasir Ris West Plaza at about 11.45pm yesterday (May 15).
"Said the STOMPer:
"I saw a Malaysian SUV parked on the pavement just after a traffic-light crossing yesterday at around 11.45pm, near Pasir Ris West Plaza.
"An uncle was standing nearby. He reversed out to the main road when another SUV came to 'find' him from the opposite side of the road, which later made a U-turn.
"Did he think this was Malaysia, that he could just park anywhere?
"He was also endangering the people waiting to cross the road by reversing abruptly.
"Often after late midnight, bikes are seem taking short-cuts through the traffic-light crossing to turn into the opposite street.
"Isn't there any way to curb these problems? Maybe some barricades should be built on the pavement."
Click on thumbnails for larger image
Keywords: motoring goondus , malaysian motorbike