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Mr Teh Cheang Wan's farewell letter to LKY


"In November 1985 one of Teh Cheang Wan’s (Minister for National Development) old associates told the CPIB that he had given Teh two cash payments of S$400,000 each in 1981 and 1982, to allow a development company to retain part of its land which had been earmarked for compulsory government acquisition, and to assist the developer in the purchase of state land. Teh denied receiving the money.
"He tried to bargain with the senior assistant director of the CPIB for the case not to be pursued. The cabinet secretary reported this and said Teh had asked to see me. I told the Cabinet Secretary that I could not see him until the investigations were over. A week later, on the morning of 15 December 1986, my security officer reported that Teh had died and left me a letter:

Prime Minister

I have been feeling very sad and depressed for the last two weeks. I feel responsible for the occurrence of this unfortunate incident and I feel I should accept full responsibility. As an honourable oriental gentleman I feel it is only right that I should pay the highest penalty for my mistake.

Yours faithfully,

Teh Cheang Wan

"Teh preferred to take his life rather than face disgrace and ostracism. I never understood why he took this S$800,000. He was an able and resourceful architect and could have made many millions honestly in private practice.

"Corruption has to be eradicated at all levels of government. But if there is corruption at highest levels of a government, the problem can become intractable. To clean up may require some key members of the core leadership to be removed.....

"An important factor is the salary of Ministers and government officials. They have enormous powers to grant or deny permits that can make or break businesses. When ministers and senior civil servants are paid salaries that are derisory compared to those of their counterparts in the private sector, officials and ministers will be tempted to take gifts.

"Whether it is policemen, immigration officers, customs officers or officers in charge of dispensing licences, it is dangerous to have them grossly underpaid. Over the last 40 years, Singapore has moved towards paying political and civil service officers 70-80% of what their equivalents are earning in the private sector, the formula is based on an average of 6 professions, their salaried incomes based on the income tax returns. This has enabled ministers and officials to live according to their station in society without extra sources of illicit income.

"Singapore has to keep fighting corruption wherever it exists and however difficult it may be politically. The system works because everyone knows the Singapore government is prepared to act against the most powerful in the land.

"In 1995 Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong ordered an investigation into purchases of two properties each made by my wife on my behalf and by my son Lee Hsien Loong, then deputy prime minister. The developer had given them unsolicited 5–7 per cent discounts on these purchases, as he had given to 5–10 per cent of his buyers at a soft launch to test the market.

"Because my brother was a non-executive director of the company, a rumour went around that my son and I had gained an unfair advantage. The Monetary Authority of Singapore investigated the matter and reported to Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong that there was nothing improper.

"Nevertheless I asked the prime minister to take the matter to Parliament. In the debate, opposition MPs, including two lawyers, one a leader of the opposition, said that such discounts were standard marketing practice and was not improper. This open debate made it a non-issue in the general elections a year later.

"Leaders must be prepared for such scrutiny to keep the system clean.

"We have to keep our own house clean. No one else can do it for us."


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
"In November 1985 one of Teh Cheang Wan’s (Minister for National Development) old associates told the CPIB that he had given Teh two cash payments of S$400,000 each in 1981 and 1982, to allow a development company to retain part of its land which had been earmarked for compulsory government acquisition, and to assist the developer in the purchase of state land. Teh denied receiving the money.
"He tried to bargain with the senior assistant director of the CPIB for the case not to be pursued. The cabinet secretary reported this and said Teh had asked to see me. I told the Cabinet Secretary that I could not see him until the investigations were over. A week later, on the morning of 15 December 1986, my security officer reported that Teh had died and left me a letter:

Prime Minister

I have been feeling very sad and depressed for the last two weeks. I feel responsible for the occurrence of this unfortunate incident and I feel I should accept full responsibility. As an honourable oriental gentleman I feel it is only right that I should pay the highest penalty for my mistake.

Yours faithfully,

Teh Cheang Wan

"Teh preferred to take his life rather than face disgrace and ostracism. I never understood why he took this S$800,000. He was an able and resourceful architect and could have made many millions honestly in private practice.

"Corruption has to be eradicated at all levels of government. But if there is corruption at highest levels of a government, the problem can become intractable. To clean up may require some key members of the core leadership to be removed.....

"An important factor is the salary of Ministers and government officials. They have enormous powers to grant or deny permits that can make or break businesses. When ministers and senior civil servants are paid salaries that are derisory compared to those of their counterparts in the private sector, officials and ministers will be tempted to take gifts.

"Whether it is policemen, immigration officers, customs officers or officers in charge of dispensing licences, it is dangerous to have them grossly underpaid. Over the last 40 years, Singapore has moved towards paying political and civil service officers 70-80% of what their equivalents are earning in the private sector, the formula is based on an average of 6 professions, their salaried incomes based on the income tax returns. This has enabled ministers and officials to live according to their station in society without extra sources of illicit income.

"Singapore has to keep fighting corruption wherever it exists and however difficult it may be politically. The system works because everyone knows the Singapore government is prepared to act against the most powerful in the land.

"In 1995 Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong ordered an investigation into purchases of two properties each made by my wife on my behalf and by my son Lee Hsien Loong, then deputy prime minister. The developer had given them unsolicited 5–7 per cent discounts on these purchases, as he had given to 5–10 per cent of his buyers at a soft launch to test the market.

"Because my brother was a non-executive director of the company, a rumour went around that my son and I had gained an unfair advantage. The Monetary Authority of Singapore investigated the matter and reported to Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong that there was nothing improper.

"Nevertheless I asked the prime minister to take the matter to Parliament. In the debate, opposition MPs, including two lawyers, one a leader of the opposition, said that such discounts were standard marketing practice and was not improper. This open debate made it a non-issue in the general elections a year later.

"Leaders must be prepared for such scrutiny to keep the system clean.

"We have to keep our own house clean. No one else can do it for us."

Thank you, u PAP cocksucker for bringing this incident up again. The PAP should really hire a better batch of trolls than people of your calibre. This incident has been largely forgotten from the collective conscience of the people, but in today's context, I think its very fitting. Just some points to note:

1) Why was the MAS investigating an alleged corruption case involving Lee Con You and Gay Loong? All corruption cases are to be investigated by the CPIB. The MAS acting as the central bank of Singapore cannot have the same level of investigative prowess that the CPIB has. All CPIB does is investigate corruption cases. Also, the CPIB is directly under the PMO. Lau Goh could have very easily have them as the investigators.

2)If Lee Con You has nothing to hide, than why did he have his wife buy the condos for him and his son? Why not but it themselves? Putting assets under your wife's name is a common strategy to avoid tax implication and other shady things. As the PM, he should be even more transparent than the rest and not hide thru his wife. Could it be that the public might question how he and his son could afford million dollar flats on their salary? Hmmm......

3) Having received these so called unsolicited discounts of 5-7% for the flats, why did he not immediately refund it back to the developer. Or at least he should have told the developer not to give it to him. The fact is, by his own admission, only 5 to 10% of the buyers received this discount. And he and his son were by chance one of these 5-10%? What are the odds of that? The fact is that he received a benefit not available to 90-95% of the other buyers in the same building. Based on the selling price of the condo, this benefit could have worked out to $100K or more per unit, a lot of money even in 1995. If he wants to avoid any sign of impropriety, he has to return the discount. At the very least, there is an appearance of conflict of interest.

4) Who writes a suicide letter like that? How does a senior cabinet minister like Teh address Con You as "Prime Minister"? Not Harry? Not Ah yew? Why so brief? He takes full responsibility for what? If you are going to kill yourself, I imagine you would make a clean breast of things, and say things like 'Yeah, I took the money, its all true" or words to that effect. Indeed, Teh has denied taking the money, as has his family. I am not saying he is innocent. But I see there was no police investigation into his death, in terms of whether this suicide note is really his handwriting, etc.

5) I don't know why Lee Con You says that Teh faces disgrace and ostracism. These are the least of Teh's problems. He faces substantial jail time. The spectre of a senior cabinet minister spending 10 plus years in Changi Prison is a nightmare to the supposedly squeaky clean image of the PAP. Every day in jail for Teh, is a reminder to the people of s'pore that corruption does exists in the PAP. This comment indicates to me that a devan Nair type situation would have been directed at Teh, rather than jail time. Again, double standards. A sinkie would have gone to jail, a PAP elite would have to move out of the country in disgrace.

6) "Leaders must be prepared for such scrutiny to keep the system clean.

"We have to keep our own house clean. No one else can do it for us."[/

If this is truly the case, than why has the PAP and Lee Con You consistently refused all oppo calls to reveal their assets, and net worth. After all, the most powerful man in the world, the President of US does it. As do all senior US govt. officials. Even their tax return is public knowledge. Chiam See Tong once told them in Parliament that all his assets are in S'pore and he has nothing to hide. He than ask the PAP MPs whether they can say the same. there was a resounding silence if I recall.

7) Lee Con You also justified his discount by say that these were standard market practice and not illegal. How come no one ask him of the the 5-10% that received the discounts, how many were related to him by birth and by marriage. Did Freddy get a discount? Did the Kwa side get discounts? If a high percentage of those receiving discounts were indeed related to him, than there is no chance that these are standard market practices.

Anyway, I want to thank Ron Ron, PAP cocksucker extraordinare for reviving this incident. Please bring up more in the future.


Just one simple question.

Did any investigate and examine that this letter is written by Teh himself?

Or written FOR him after he is gone?


anything is possible... esp with this evil LKY. will do anything to save his own skin.

remember his Jap connections?


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Just one simple question.

Did any investigate and examine that this letter is written by Teh himself?

Or written FOR him after he is gone?

no investigation to my knowledge. I think there was a coroner's inquiry. Death by sleeping pill or something like that. But as to whether the note is real, or whether his immediate family agree that he is depressed we don't know. In my opinion, the whole affair was brushed under quickly.


Which lead to the next question..

Did he really commit sucide?

Does it matter how he died? The fact of the matter is that every shard of secret, and possibly the truth, went with him to the grave


"Because my brother was a non-executive director of the company, a rumour went around that my son and I had gained an unfair advantage. The Monetary Authority of Singapore investigated the matter and reported to Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong that there was nothing improper."

Only a fool will really investigate the alleged shady deals involving e Imperial Clan.

One of Emperor's grandchildren flunked mandarin repeatedly and the MOE officials suddenly declare because that child has high IQ, he is exempted from state schools.

Only in Peasantpore.


Kickback, special discounts and personal favors while abusing official capacity is rife in Singapore. Its not just confined to the Lee family. Old Autocrat was genuinely unaware of how rampant such practices are in SG and was most unfortunate to have been caught in the middle of one. So he got Koh Beng Seng, a kickback specialist himself, to personally handle the investigations and report to GCT.

The Ah Bengs call such practices guanxi. If the CPIB wants to clamp down on corruption all they really need to do is round up the Ah Bengs at the KTVs and question them. 9 out of 10 Bengs you'll find there are on the take and can be easily be broken down by basic interrogation techniques.

They deal exclusively in cash, for obvious reasons and these retard Ah Bengs can be found flashing a thick wade of cash at the prostitutes in a private room. No wonder China prostitutes rate Singapore as their #1 choice.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Kickback, special discounts and personal favors while abusing official capacity is rife in Singapore. Its not just confined to the Lee family. Old Autocrat was genuinely unaware of how rampant such practices are in SG and was most unfortunate to have been caught in the middle of one. So he got Koh Beng Seng, a kickback specialist himself, to personally handle the investigations and report to GCT.

The Ah Bengs call such practices guanxi. If the CPIB wants to clamp down on corruption all they really need to do is round up the Ah Bengs at the KTVs and question them. 9 out of 10 Bengs you'll find there are on the take and can be easily be broken down by basic interrogation techniques.

They deal exclusively in cash, for obvious reasons and these retard Ah Bengs can be found flashing a thick wade of cash at the prostitutes in a private room. No wonder China prostitutes rate Singapore as their #1 choice.

Elites flash their wad of money in Switzerland.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Kickback, special discounts and personal favors while abusing official capacity is rife in Singapore. Its not just confined to the Lee family. Old Autocrat was genuinely unaware of how rampant such practices are in SG and was most unfortunate to have been caught in the middle of one. So he got Koh Beng Seng, a kickback specialist himself, to personally handle the investigations and report to GCT.

The Ah Bengs call such practices guanxi. If the CPIB wants to clamp down on corruption all they really need to do is round up the Ah Bengs at the KTVs and question them. 9 out of 10 Bengs you'll find there are on the take and can be easily be broken down by basic interrogation techniques.

They deal exclusively in cash, for obvious reasons and these retard Ah Bengs can be found flashing a thick wade of cash at the prostitutes in a private room. No wonder China prostitutes rate Singapore as their #1 choice.

Actually, GCT appointed Richard Hu, and Ah Hu appointed Koh Beng Seng. The funny thing about it was that Richard Hu ASKED Lee Con You and Gay Loong to give the discount bacl, but Lau Goh said no need. LOL.



Actually, GCT appointed Richard Hu, and Ah Hu appointed Koh Beng Seng. The funny thing about it was that Richard Hu ASKED Lee Con You and Gay Loong to give the discount bacl, but Lau Goh said no need. LOL.


The Lees while denying any wrong doing on their part offered to return the discounts back via cheques. The public then began wondering out loud had the Lees had done no wrong, why return the money? GCT got cold feet and directed the AG to return the cheques back to the Lees.

Thanks for the link btw. Tang LH did make an interesting observation that went unnoticed. Tang had queried why the CPIB's which would have been better suited in these matters and their report carry more weight was not given the task. No written report was filed by the Finance Ministry on the findings on HPL discounts.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
The Lees while denying any wrong doing on their part offered to return the discounts back via cheques. The public then began wondering out loud had the Lees had done no wrong, why return the money? GCT got cold feet and directed the AG to return the cheques back to the Lees.

Thanks for the link btw. Tang LH did make an interesting observation that went unnoticed. Tang had queried why the CPIB's which would have been better suited in these matters and their report carry more weight was not given the task. No written report was filed by the Finance Ministry on the findings on HPL discounts.

U are welcome. What I found hilarious was the number of Lees/Kwas that bought into the same projects. i.e. LKY's daughter, both brother, sister, sister-in-law, wife'e niece, etc. This confirms what I heard in 1995. Normally, these kinds of discounts given to PAP elites are on the quiet. These people buy lots of properties, but you have never heard any controversy until this deal. But so many Kwas and Lees were getting discounts that the developer buay tahan and went public. Both Lee Con You and Gay loong each purchased over $6 million in properties in just 6 months. This is before they raised their own salaries to multimillion dollars.

Now ask yourself, given all these properties that they are buying, what incentive do they have to lower property prices in S'pore and help out the average Sinkie trying to survive and looking for a cheap HDB flat?
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I recall that Teh's son had some 20 odd million in a Hong Kong bank. How did a young man accumulate so much money was not investigated. Andwhere is he now?
The money Teh received as bribes was stated as S$800,000 only, which was the tip of the iceberg.


I recall that Teh's son had some 20 odd million in a Hong Kong bank. How did a young man accumulate so much money was not investigated. Andwhere is he now?
The money Teh received as bribes was stated as S$800,000 only, which was the tip of the iceberg.

Yes, even the daughter and son had a million Singpore dollars in both their POSB accounts.

The daughter maintains that her father, Teh Cheang Wan could not understand English and therefore admitted to the curruption charges by the CPIB.

The truth is that he studied Architecture at an Australian University. Do you think he could not understand (simple) English?

Remember, before he became the Minister for National Development, he was HDB's Chief Architect. He was probably on the take since then.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
I recall that Teh's son had some 20 odd million in a Hong Kong bank. How did a young man accumulate so much money was not investigated. Andwhere is he now?
The money Teh received as bribes was stated as S$800,000 only, which was the tip of the iceberg.

Its definitely the tip of the iceberg. In fact, there are rumuors that he was the bag man. He collected the bribes from the developers, and than distributed to the PAP elite. Otherwise, he cannot have done it for so long undetected.