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Mr Teh Cheang Wan's farewell letter to LKY


Its definitely the tip of the iceberg. In fact, there are rumuors that he was the bag man. He collected the bribes from the developers, and than distributed to the PAP elite. Otherwise, he cannot have done it for so long undetected.

Look at the quality of Tampines flats built in the 80's and you have your answer. The beams are not straight. Neither was the guy who was overall in charge.


Just one simple question.

Did any investigate and examine that this letter is written by Teh himself?

Or written FOR him after he is gone?

In fact, there are at least 3 unanswered questions:

1) Like what Einfield said, "Was the letter written by Teh himself?"

2) The last person with Teh on the night before he killed himself, was Lee Kuan Yew - the question is, has Lee Kuan Yew anthing to do with his death?

3) How did he obtain the bottle of sleeping pills? Did some one give it to him the night before, or how did Teh obtain them?
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Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Look at the quality of Tampines flats built in the 80's and you have your answer. The beams are not straight. Neither was the guy who was overall in charge.

Yes, this is actually fraud. The HDB has agreed to rent you your flat for 99 years and in return you have fulfilled your part of the contract by giving them a large amount of money up from. But the HDB knows that your flat will not last 99 years due to factors like the one you mention above. So, long before the 99 years is up, they will evict you to another new flat in another estate, hence not fulfilling their contract. But no one has gone to court to challenge them. They should set the least to equate to the economic life of the flat, eg. 40 years, not 99. If they knowingly know the flat will not last 99 years, it fraud as they cannot give a 99 year lease. Its like if you go to a car dealer and you sign a lease with them for 5 years. But if their cars are all junks and do not last more than 3 years, you can go to CAD and lodge complaint against them. Same situation.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
In fact, there are at least 3 unanswered questions:

1) Like what Einfield said, "Was the letter written by Teh himself?"

2) The last person with Teh on the night before he killed himself, was Lee Kuan Yew - the question is, has Lee Kuan Yew anthing to do with his death?

3) How did he obtain the bottle of sleeping pills? Did some one give it to him the night before, or how did Teh obtain them?

These are all valid questions, as well, in conjunction with these questions, there should be a CPIB or CAD corresponding investigation. Where did these millions in the accounts of the Teh family com from? Also, did the coroner interview LKY, as he was one of the last few people to talk to teh. Who is the Dr. that precribed the medication, and why?

In my opinion, Teh (if he really did kill himself), should not have done so. he should have demanded a trial and than proceed to bring out all the PAP skeletons in the closet. I am sure the money trial goes to other PAP elites and not just him. He had the power to bring down the PAP. The oppo should have gone to him at the time and pursuade him to go to trail. Probably, LKY threatened repurcussions on his family unless he took the easy way out.