With this type of attitude how can he be teaching our youth civics!!!!!!!
I thot civics was all about being a good citizens.
I bet Gay will be promoted instead of being sacked.
maybe related to Gaylord Focker
I suspect this moronic mr gay is a filipino chinese in the first place (Gay is a common surname in Phillipines)who probably got his citizenship and brought his wife over. although he says he is singaporean chinese he is not an original and he is one of those f@rkup holy than thou christianshit who thinks very highly of himself judging from his posts. you see alot of such sh!t heads in phillipines. These idiots are so "competennt" that they bungle up the HK chinese hostage crises in Manila and their president still has the guts to smile and was whacked on TV. No wonder the country is a shit place. I says give him hell and make sure he gets fired
...Anyone with email list of TPJC student and staff , send to me and I will make sure Mr Gay is screwed! Stupid Gay Fuck hanged up on me when I call his HP. I will call the JC tomorrow to express my disgust that my 'child' is taught by this treacherous dog! I will fuck the Principal of TPJC for hiring such an imbecile!
How dare he insult all Singaporeans!
Mr Gay Chao Hui can be contacted at [email protected] and 9658 1443.
Tampines Junior College
Address: 2 Tampines Avenue 9 Singapore 529564
Tel: 67841955
With this type of attitude how can he be teaching our youth civics!!!!!!!
I thot civics was all about being a good citizens.
All you ball-less keyboard warriors, what's the use of ranting in dark cryberspace.Do something if you have got 2 testes. I have called him numerous times this morning. I will call his JC and demand to speak to the Principal as a concerned 'parent' tomorrow morning. Anyone with email list of TPJC student and staff , send to me and I will make sure Mr Gay is screwed! Stupid Gay Fuck hanged up on me when I call his HP. I will call the JC tomorrow to express my disgust that my 'child' is taught by this treacherous dog! I will fuck the Principal of TPJC for hiring such an imbecile!
How dare he insult all Singaporeans!
Let's set up an online petition against this Anti Singaporean Sinkee and demand MOE do something about it. And also, let's not relent on that Pinoy, and MOH should also come with an conclusive answer. lets not be hoodwinked by all the ""we will investigate...blah blah....and months after months....let's move on"" Ask and we shall be given. It's within our rights as a Singaporean, if we dont do it now, what's gg happen to our younger generation. Also, let'snot forget about the mediator to tell our Singaporean Indians not to cook curry,we also need an official explaination how this could come about. Am seriously concerned....let's put all these foreigners in their rightful places and reclaim what's rightfully ours!!
You despicable retard gay dog!
For once you are doing a public service worth 2 shits in this forum!
Limpeh me tomorrow will call TPJC's principal and fuck him/her upside down!
You dumbass, you can call the P direct
Mr Gay is too gay to pick up my call!
DID : 67810061
Email: [email protected]
Relax. Maybe it is time to grow up and just ignore his view if you feel that it does not apply to you.
Good job Mr Clinton666... Hope you can test your jiu jitsu skills on that Gay...
You retarded gay fuck:oIo:
You can fuck off back to your mother's pussy hole for some warmth and security, or go suck some Bangla cocks for sustenance!
That pussy Gay dog is not picking up my calls! I will use my jiu jitsu skills to grapple him to the floor and my Muay Thai to knee off all his teeth..
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You dumbass, you can call the P direct
Mr Gay is too gay to pick up my call!
DID : 67810061
Email: [email protected]