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Serious More Than 1100 moslems Cooked To Death While Worshipping stone At Mecca! MBS Say Not His Fault! Blame Sun, Not Him!


If Lawrence of Arabia Wong has balls, he will ban the desert ninja outfit in Sinkieland. I've seen quite a number of them on the streets.

Wear your Halimah head diaper and nothing more. Otherwise go back to where you came from.
the slit for the eyes is slimmer than a g-string


If Lawrence of Arabia Wong has balls, he will ban the desert ninja outfit in Sinkieland. I've seen quite a number of them on the streets.

Wear your Halimah head diaper and nothing more. Otherwise go back to where you came from.

Most of them are tourists from middle-east. Last time PAP banned tudung in MOE schools, it had created a wave in the global muslim community, the effect backfired on PAP.

syed putra

Most of them are tourists from middle-east. Last time PAP banned tudung in MOE schools, it had created a wave in the global muslim community, the effect backfired on PAP.
Malays dont mind if Chi pao and cheong sum are banned as well.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Religion is a funny thing. You go there brace the crowd n the sun just to stone a black thing. Might as well every country have a replica and just do the shit in your own country.


If Lawrence of Arabia Wong has balls, he will ban the desert ninja outfit in Sinkieland. I've seen quite a number of them on the streets.

Wear your Halimah head diaper and nothing more. Otherwise go back to where you came from.
I thought she wears sari!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Religion is a funny thing. You go there brace the crowd n the sun just to stone a black thing. Might as well every country have a replica and just do the shit in your own country.

It doesn't work that way. Mecca is their holy land, cannot outsource to other places.

It also boosts the ego to be part of an exclusive club: 1) you can afford to make the pilgrimage unlike the other low SES Muslims, and 2) the infidels are not allowed to go there, the furthest they can go is the nearby city of Jeddah.

Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. :cool:


What a wonderful religion with a superb caring God who loves to take care of his followers to help them Rest In Peace in heaven.

syed putra

What a wonderful religion with a superb caring God who loves to take care of his followers to help them Rest In Peace in heaven.
If they had worn tbe burka, they all would be saved.


  • Tajiks (Persian: تاجيک، تاجک) are a Persian-speaking, Iranian ethnic group native to Central Asia, living primarily in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Tajiks are the largest ethnicity in Tajikistan, and the second-largest in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. They speak varieties of Persian.
  • Some of the famous Islamic scholars were from Persian speaking regions in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan and can be viewed as Tajiks. They include Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Nasir Khusraw and many others.

  • Tajikistan officially prohibited hijab, other “alien garments”
  • passed laws regulating Islamic clothing, Eid celebrations
  • after years of unofficial clampdown on hijab

  • Under the law, individuals wearing hijab face hefty fines of US$700
  • Companies allowing employees to wear hijab fined US$3,500
  • Govt officials, religious leaders face even steeper fines US$4,800-$5,100

  • also restricts children’s participation in Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha
  • to ensure “proper education and safety” of children during the holidays
  • Tajikistan seen influx of Islamic clothing from Middle East
  • authorities link to extremism
  • threat to Tajikistan's cultural identity
  • President Emomali Rahmon referred hijab as “foreign clothing”
  • govt promotes traditional Tajik national dress

(File pix) A picture taken on March 19, 2017 shows Tajik women wearing the Atlas and other traditional dresses celebrating the spring Nowruz festival in Dushanbe. The authorities have campaigned against Arab-style head and face coverings like the hijab as part of a crackdown that has also included forced beard shavings. AFP Photo

  • new law escalation of Tajikistan’s restrictions on Islamic garb
  • Since 2007 hijab banned for students, all public institutions
  • Authorities discourage beards
  • police forcibly shaving thousands of beards


If they had worn tbe burka, they all would be saved.


  • Tajiks (Persian: تاجيک، تاجک) are a Persian-speaking, Iranian ethnic group native to Central Asia, living primarily in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Tajiks are the largest ethnicity in Tajikistan, and the second-largest in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. They speak varieties of Persian.
  • Some of the famous Islamic scholars were from Persian speaking regions in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan and can be viewed as Tajiks. They include Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Nasir Khusraw and many others.

  • Tajikistan officially prohibited hijab, other “alien garments”
  • passed laws regulating Islamic clothing, Eid celebrations
  • after years of unofficial clampdown on hijab

  • Under the law, individuals wearing hijab face hefty fines of US$700
  • Companies allowing employees to wear hijab fined US$3,500
  • Govt officials, religious leaders face even steeper fines US$4,800-$5,100

  • also restricts children’s participation in Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha
  • to ensure “proper education and safety” of children during the holidays
  • Tajikistan seen influx of Islamic clothing from Middle East
  • authorities link to extremism
  • threat to Tajikistan's cultural identity
  • President Emomali Rahmon referred hijab as “foreign clothing”
  • govt promotes traditional Tajik national dress

(File pix) A picture taken on March 19, 2017 shows Tajik women wearing the Atlas and other traditional dresses celebrating the spring Nowruz festival in Dushanbe. The authorities have campaigned against Arab-style head and face coverings like the hijab as part of a crackdown that has also included forced beard shavings. AFP Photo

  • new law escalation of Tajikistan’s restrictions on Islamic garb
  • Since 2007 hijab banned for students, all public institutions
  • Authorities discourage beards
  • police forcibly shaving thousands of beards
Interesting secular Muslim state with hijab ban. Means wat? LOL.