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More ASEAN countries seek to join BRICS. No one wants Angmorika cock sucker aka Sickipoora .


Alfrescian (Inf)
Pinky Lonney has done enough damage to Singkapore. I hope Laurence Wong make it right, but it will take a long time for him to repair our relationship with Russia. CCB Pinky looney, he just enjoy quarrelling with China, with his own family members, with Sinkies and everything else.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Reminder to the USA haters that the BRICS meeting now isn't going too well. China and Russia are beginning to distrust each other. India has its own agenda. Some invited countries refused to show up. Other countries are looking for China to give handouts, which it cannot afford to do so anymore like in the good old days. :biggrin:


Pinky Lonney has done enough damage to Singkapore. I hope Laurence Wong make it right, but it will take a long time for him to repair our relationship with Russia. CCB Pinky looney, he just enjoy quarrelling with China, with his own family members, with Sinkies and everything else.
just sucks uncle Sam’s cock all year long