Guess who exerted pressure so as to prevent further donations.Screw Paypal. People have been complaining about it for a while. Use some other payment site.
Guess who exerted pressure so as to prevent further donations.Screw Paypal. People have been complaining about it for a while. Use some other payment site.
Screw Paypal. People have been complaining about it for a while. Use some other payment site.
it doesnt matter who rented the shop as long money is in the pocket. But pichar lobang, sorry i dont know, not my problem.
Several police reports lodged against Mobile Air
POSTED: 07 Nov 2014 23:10
UPDATED: 08 Nov 2014 00:10
The owner had not known the space was rented to Mobile Air as the agreement was conducted via a third-party.
- CNA/xy
Why cheng hu did not used the way they deal with massage parlour.
to deal with sls problem.they practically clean sweep all massage vice activity.
Goverment can do it if they want.
But why is Singapore now mushroomed with hundreds of China-owned 24-hours spas now ? They seem to be immune from anti-vice raids,..yes ?
But why is Singapore now mushroomed with hundreds of China-owned 24-hours spas now ? They seem to be immune from anti-vice raids,..yes ?
I think CASE also close one eye and pakat with them beforehand. CASE even gives the 'black shops' STARetailer awards.![]()
Hope Arsenal lose !
How silly of the Chinese presstitutes to censor her face. Everyone has already seen her face, some have even bought stuff from her.
Is she a minor that needs to have her identity protected?
P.S: Look at the skanky tattoos on her hands. Evidently, a chow ah lian. No wonder she married Jover Chew. You picked the husband yourself, now you are upset that the scandal at Sim Lim Square might affect your business at Far East Plaza.![]()
we need a sinkie LEVERAGE team.
"high tech crooks use their skills to fight corporate and governmental injustices inflicted on ordinary citizens"