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7 Nov 2014 - 9:13pm
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Mobile Air owner Jover Chew has been the subject of intense internet scrutiny the past few days. His wife, Ms Winnie Koh was also at the receiving end of the public backlash.
Jover Chew's shop became infamous after two recent incidents -- recently refunding a woman $1,010 in coins, which included one-cents and five-cents, and leaving a Vietnamese tourist in tears while kneeling and begging for a refund after buying an iPhone 6.
Like Jover, Ms Koh, 31, also runs a mobile phone business. However, she insists that her shop, J2 Mobile, is not linked to Mobile Air.
Ms Koh wrote a post on J2’s Facebook page to distance herself from the shop at Sim Lim:
“Dear all, this has been very troubling and tough times for J2 Mobile. We have always conducted our business in a fair and transparent way. And have never cheated any of our customers.
“I would like to announce that J2 mobile has no business relations with Jover Chew. And that I have no comments on how he conducts his business”.
She also requested the public to stop harassing her for something she did not do.
According to The Straits Times, Jover Chew was the registered owner of J2 Mobile until 2012 when the ownership was transferred to his wife.
Ms Koh believes that Jover’s actions were not entirely his fault.
She said:
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"In the past year, he has been influenced by bad company. When I met him, he was not this way".
At home, the couple also engaged in their own activities. He would play games on his electronic gadgets while she would continue her work.
Ms Koh also hopes that Jover will learn from this episode and improve his behaviour as well as the way he conducts business.
“He will have a hard time leading a new life because he is recognised everywhere now”, said Ms Koh