you stupid moron! Singapore dollar and Australian dollar on par, not 1.2 you idiot.
six months ago you claimed US$ will never recover and A$ is king. now, six months later 50% decrease! - and here's a report stating will decrease further to 1US$ = A$ 1.70 by 2009, you consummate idiot. the S$ will be worth MORE THAN YOUR CRAP A$ in 2009.
how stupid you are! keep coming back here with your spastic ITE level observations so i can expose you and put you in your place - such as with your depreciating property and crashing dollar. this is why only idiots go to or are proud to be in australia when smart australians and singaporeans are heading elsewhere.
i might even be kind and tutor you so you can understand the nett effect the 70% crash of your worthless dollar has on your everyday life. when your local prices hit new record highs when prices are going down in the US, yet again, it is stupid australians and you paying the price, moron. 4-5% inflation for 2008, 4-5% in 2009. wow, australia has the worst managed monetary policy in the industrialized world.
you poor idiot. your brother in orange county, LA, will be looking down on you in 2009 now that he is worth 70% more than you pathetic loser. soon we will be calling you "a poor australian"