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That is where your sick mind who worship idols get easily conned by satan. The main injunctions are all spelled out in the Quran. Of course there were no videos back then for people to learn from. So details of what constitute a worship is shown by the prophetic examples and are called hadiths. Those gaps you refer to are the detailed explanation of what is ordered in the Quran.It seems like so much trouble just to impose a fine. moslem religious departments are known for their thirst for violence towards apostates, as taught in the moslem hadith scriptures.
Here's where you contradicted yourself. 'Perfect' and 'gaps don't go together. You're welcome to get other oppie samsters to confirm whether a 'perfect religion' should have gaps in it.
Something that you lack in Christianity. You don't even know how to worship. Jesus put his face on the ground when prayed but you christians don't want to follow but sing dance have a concert eat drink and the women refuse to cover their heads in church or have their hair shaven, which is what is ordered in your bible.
See? So many injunctions in your bible that you refuse to obey. Isn't it about time you changed those verses to suit your current practise?
Idiot trying to translate arabic on his own is like the aborigines trying to read chinese in the middle of the Gibson.My translation is accurate.
The root work 'makr' means 'deception'. It's a polite word for lying or deceiving.
In arabic words totally transform depending on use and 'maakiriin' is the word used, not 'makr'.
In fact it is 'Al-maakiriin', which in a way makes it more specific. Wanna learn arabic? Go to an arab language teacher and he will show you the Quran as the top literary work of ALL arab world.
See, we can debate the Quran because we have the original forms and words and arabic is a still spoken live language, unlike aramaic, the language Jesus spoke in.
You don't have the original bible anymore to compare against so whatever you have is conjecture or made up stories and fairy tales, not not all of them though.
Usury and usurious behaviour is in your bible. Go read it up. Practise what your bible preach. And don't give excuses or add conditions to what your bible does not state.Again, you didn't describe what exactly is 'usury' in your mohameddan terms. CPF paying you 4% returns per year is considered usury? Housing loans at 1% interest per year is usury? Yes or no?
Kindly stop bringing the orthodox Jews into this. You disagree with their Torah and call it a corruption. Now you need them to help out your religion, and their Jewish beliefs are suddenly ok with your silly islamic beliefs? Grow a fucking spine!
You don't have to ask what the Islamic ruling on usury because you don't believe nor agree. And FYI, I don't pay CPF interest.

Why are you so afraid to quote your Old Testatment, which is copied from the Jewish Torah? Why are you afraid to quote jewish laws and practise as what they have done for many millenia? Muslims don't need the jews to help us out but you need the jews to help you make a book.
You are so fearful for the world to know that judaism disagrees 100% with your christian practises and call you people polytheist.
Oh there is. It prohibits taking anyone before puberty. Something that the bible doesn't prohibit.Pity there isn't prohibitions about pedophilia and killing people in the quran. Do you realize that most of your arguments against Christ revolves around pork?
I've always followed God's commandments. That's why I am centred in Christ and saved by Grace. I don't go around determining who is going to hell simply because they eat pork or don't cover up their heads. That's what retards like you do.
And there is general prohibition against killing but in war it is allowed. Unlike christians who proclaim to love thy enemy and turn the other cheek. Hypocrites. Western bombs, armies and weapons have killed more humans in history than the rest of the world combined.
In the Quran it even states that if the enemy is inclined to peace, then you must make peace. Nothing like that in the bible though. Christian practise hypocrisy.
And covering your women's head is in your bible. Follow it!!! Or shave it off. The bible even says that women must shut up in church!!!
Your perverted mind thinks that by not following god's instructions, you will have grace? Delusional. That's why, stop drinking wine.
You are mistaken. An idol is an object, a creation and most importantly something you believe can bestow you favours and grant you wishes.IAn idol doesn't need to be in the shape of a human or animal or mythical beast.
Your 'black stone from heaven' is actually 'black stones' now. Historically, it has been smashed into pieces by other moslems who wanted the stone placed in their territory, not in faraway mecca. Your 'black stone' is actually black stones glued together.
It's still just an idol relic from the pre-islamic era. mahomet simply incorporated the stone into the moslem beliefs and build upon existing folklore about it.
You already have an idol. I do see the value in having only 1 idol. It's good for enhancing its political value.
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Examine yourself first. Your fucking mecca is a pagan site and the silly stone was a pagan stone. Abraham never visited mecca.
No muslims believe the black stone is an idol. No muslim believe it has powers. No muslim worship the black stone. We kiss the black stone because we see the prophet kissing it and it was sent down from the stones of paradise by Allah before even the prophet came. Even then the prophet reminded not to attribute idolatry to the black stone. Umar, his companion said it best and I paraphrase: "If I did not see the prophet kissing the black stone, I would not have done it myself".
We muslims stay on the principles that the prophetic examples are divinely guided. So we follow. Period.
Christians on the other hand, have idols abound plenty in your churches! And worse, you plead to them for assistance, help, mercy and to fulfil your wishes! And then you eat the flesh of your god!!! And drink his blood!!!
In mecca, there is not a single idol nor images of God because as described in the bible, 'man hath not seen' god.
And so funny, Abraham never visited Baca = Macca = Mecca? Even the Jews disagree with you.
So examine yourself. Are you following the 10 Commandments? Its the most simplest of all yet you fail to.