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Serious Married men earn more than single men because

Scrooball (clone)



In addition men with higher incomes have better chance of starting a familee- KNN before starting familee means he was still single means single man earn more than other single men ? KNN what stupid quote is this KNN


First of all, the man must want to start a family. If he dun want a family, he can save up all the money he earned for his own pleasure and enjoyment.

A single man can choose to earn less too as he does not need much to upkeep himself compare to having a family.

U know why your govt want you to have a family? Economy mah.. Family man have to spend much much more compare to single man, especially when the family man get horny and pump out more mouths to feed. Not forgetting the time and energy spend and the stress to deal with the crap that come from many mouths and a pussy to feed.

For PAP who want man to have family, this is my reply

download (1) (3).jpeg


In addition men with higher incomes have better chance of starting a familee- KNN before starting familee means he was still single means single man earn more than other single men ? KNN what stupid quote is this KNN

This article make it sound like man after married will magically and miraculously become wealthy by earning more, and start to travel and live a high life.

Like what you say a single man who has good financial standing will choose to get married as he is already well-off when he was single.

or if the man isn't that well-off, he has to slog day and night to feed his family. Any man, be it married or single, who slog day and night to earn money will EARN MORE than any man who put in regular hours of work. The married man is worse off as he has no choice but to slog to feed his family, is that what they mean by earning more?

and why is it a man thing about family? women just sit there and wait for offerings? :FU: :FU: :FU:

syed putra

If you want more family, one car should be COE free and less taxed one per family. Plus free education and medical for children until 20 years of age.


not true that single man earn less. Anyone who has no financial or investment sense will earn nothing married or not.
Single man has the free choice of earning more or less, as compare to a not so well-off married man as he has mouths to feed and tons of necessary family things to pay.


First of all, the man must want to start a family. If he dun want a family, he can save up all the money he earned for his own pleasure and enjoyment.

A single man can choose to earn less too as he does not need much to upkeep himself compare to having a family.

U know why your govt want you to have a family? Economy mah.. Family man have to spend much much more compare to single man, especially when the family man get horny and pump out more mouths to feed. Not forgetting the time and energy spend and the stress to deal with the crap that come from many mouths and a pussy to feed.

For PAP who want man to have family, this is my reply

View attachment 129599
Sound like what a loser might say. :cautious:


Only married men experiences divorce heartbreak, pay maintenance and alimony, division of assets and lifelong regrets.