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Mark Andrew Yeo is back!


u everynight like to up me?..
i've to take lua kwai bui tonic every other day .. u know? :geek:
You mark Andrew yeo son of lau kway bu chicken want to talk dirty to woman to win go to my Facebook. Pui!


next session, can we change position?.. u always up up the same pattern, beri sian leh !!... :geek:
You mark Andrew yeo son of lau kway bu chicken want to talk dirty to woman to win go to my Facebook. Pui!
how abt doggie pattern ??.. me am sure u will love it ... :whistling::whistling:
You mark Andrew yeo son of lau kway bu chicken want to talk dirty to woman to win go to my Facebook. Pui!


so early want to Up up up !!!
u mus 've enjoy the session last nite... knn ..still want to act innocent ...u better be careful... ur b/f here may get jealous of me, making u wet every nite !!
bloody hornly bitch :geek:
You mark Andrew yeo son of lau kway bu chicken want to talk dirty to woman to win go to my Facebook. Pui!


Guess what? I just watched a minimalist YouTuber video today that says quit things that you don’t enjoy doing to simplify your life. I don’t enjoy doing this and will quit now to simplify my life. Let heaven take care of mark Andrew yeo aka @rotiprata smearing me a virgin as Lao kuay bu. Pui!


You @rotiprata mark Andrew yeo are obviously referring to me virgin and yet shamelessly denied and turned around to accuse me guilty think you can hide in rat hole bully me and get away WITH ZERO CONSEQUENCES. Pui!View attachment 186808
Post in thread 'Cantonese Hakka slut committed ADULTERY AND almost caused harm to Hokkien/Teochew new bf. No need to dig over one decade old news to find one hahaha'


You @rotiprata mark Andrew yeo are obviously referring to me virgin and yet shamelessly denied and turned around to accuse me guilty think you can hide in rat hole bully me and get away WITH ZERO CONSEQUENCES. Pui!View attachment 186808
Post in thread 'Cantonese Hakka slut committed ADULTERY AND profited $762k from it and no need to dig over one decade old news to find one hahahaha'


You @rotiprata mark Andrew yeo are obviously referring to me virgin and yet shamelessly denied and turned around to accuse me guilty think you can hide in rat hole bully me and get away WITH ZERO CONSEQUENCES. Pui!View attachment 186808
Post in thread 'Hakka Mandy Lieu committed ADULTERY with billionaire not just did not get shamed but portrayed as mistress of the century that did it for love WTF'