I will leave it to Old Dog Thief LKy himself to own up this, or opposition supporters or bloggers etc to find the prove and relevant info, by from me, I offer a Political Theory for this silly Marina Barrage:
It was indeed an idea crapped out directly of Old Dog Thief's Ass Hole to build this Marina Barrage.
For this old Ah Beng LKy, who went with KGC to visit PRC's majestic Three Gorge Dam, he is envy and become egoistic about it, that Ah Beng -LKy must also have one. Just like Ah Beng see Ah Seng got a new Rolex he must also go and get one for himself.
LKy personally managed to piss off Dr. M to have Malaysia sensitive about water prices, because egoistic Old Dog Thief himself went on TV to brag a lot about making $$$$ from selling water to Malaysians while buying it at dirt cheap prices from them. This has nothing to do with PRC's Three Gorge Dam, but is a separated part of the background.
LKy knows nothing about hydrological science. But when Malaysia don't sell water after getting totally pissed off, he 1st invented Sai-Chwee NeWater, then he ordered Yaacob to construct his Ah Beng's Three Gorge Dam.
Yaacob is just a scapegoat in this case, but regardless of that, we have to still slay this lamb.:p
Did LKy ordered it this crap Marina Barrage?
This is up to himself to own up or some one else to find the evidence.
I want to leave it as a Political Theory here for now.

I also will not directly point at Marina Barrage to be the floods' cause, because that will be doing Yaacob's job, and then subjecting myself to defend this theory (not difficult but unnecessary). I will just point out enough simple facts leading to that direction, and then leave it to those who are drawing lucrative salaries for these job and appointments to work these tasks. I am just a blogging peasant. :p