the search area is now shifted 684 miles to the northeast from the previous search area. :*:
Everyone seeing debris now but no one collected any.
you mean "suddenly" shifted (for no fucking reason)....
everyday c an move here and there from one region to another region ......simi lan jiao man..............
no wonder the fucking tiongs are incensed......
Why? Because it is insulting and it hurts?
What about you Chinks hurling insults at my people, riding roughshod over my people, treating my people with disrespect and contempt over the past few decades even though we have provided you Chinks with the sanctuary you people sought in fleeing the poverty, upheaveals and hardships of your country, China?
That's okay??? It's okay to behave like ungrateful dogs and bite the hands of us Malays that host you Chinese for decades in our very own land, our Tanah Melayu?
Isn't your behaviour the same as these China Chinks? The very Chinks who you "locals" are desperate to disassociate from even as you readily jump on that "superior" 5,000 year Chinese civilisation and culture and "superior" confucian values, chang huayi, huaren huayi, SAP schools, etc bullshit ride?
You live in our land, our Tanah Melayu. Don't test our patience with your "superior" 5,000 year Chinese civilisation and culture and "superior" confucian values, chang huayi, huaren huayi, SAP schools, etc bullshit.
Our patience has its limits.
Orang Asli here. You forgot to pay rent.
How come you allow the squatters in ? Now you pay double, UNDERSTAND!
The unintelligent cretin understand? You've got me falling off my chair.
now the aussies claim investigative teams in malaysia are telling them the missing plane burned more fuel at a faster rate than previously assumed, thus resulting in a shorter range. and they say the faster speed was based on new radar data. wtf?!
what happened to multiple sightings of wide debris field by multiple satellites from multiple cuntries? why abandon the satellite debris locations and shift all search planes to new theoretical position? this whole cat and mouse, shift here shift there bullshit is truly confusing and fucked up. no wonder press conference brings up so many "wtf" questions and faces?!
why not have two search areas? one continuing to search for debris based on satellite images, and the other to shift to new area based on new theory. why abandon one and put all the eggs in one basket? now they say previous searches are "a waste of time" and "debris" is no longer "debris"!
everybody receiving this news are going "wtf?!":*:
What about you Chinks hurling insults at my people, riding roughshod over my people, treating my people with disrespect and contempt over the past few decades even though we have provided you Chinks with the sanctuary you people sought in fleeing the poverty, upheaveals and hardships of your country, China?
So the pings from Inmarsat are misleading? LOL.
Finally, it will point to location at Diego Garcia, off Maldives.
something new is brewing in kl, and the aussies are now simply taking instructions from the investigative team in kl. aussies have reiterated that they are responsible for hosting and coordinating search operations (from perth) and all investigative responsibilities have been deferred to kl. they also emphasized that the team in kl has come up with something substantive and credible. "highly reliable" are the phrases quoted.
now they think inmarsat analysis is not good enough. well, let's see if they find debris in the new search area. :*:
something new is brewing in kl, and the aussies are now simply taking instructions from the investigative team in kl. aussies have reiterated that they are responsible for hosting and coordinating search operations (from perth) and all investigative responsibilities have been deferred to kl. they also emphasized that the team in kl has come up with something substantive and credible. "highly reliable" are the phrases quoted.
now they think inmarsat analysis is not good enough. well, let's see if they find debris in the new search area. :*:
There is only 1 word to describe this incident, "unprecedented".
1. It is unprecedented that an aircraft enters a country's airspace and no alarm was raised.
2. It is unprecedented that a commercial plane flies in a zig-z manner to nowhere.
3. It is unprecedented that "Doppler" effect is used to determine the flight path of a plane.
4. It is unprecedented that 200 over people are declared dead without any recovery of wreckage nor bodies but through expert's determination of the possible flight path using an unprecedented method.
5. It is unprecedented that insurance company disburse compensation, accepting the declaration of death, without any question to the way the certification of death is made.
It is so confusing. However, the events point to the following :
A. During the initial phase, authorities do know that the plane was not in S China sea but allow others to waste their resources.
B. There is a deliberate effort to close the case by confirming the crash quickly.
C. There have been many cover ups resulting in many discrepancies.
It is frustrating, amusing and incredulous at times. However, it is definitely a good story for the next Hollywood disaster movie
Moderators,please do something about the racist guy Malays Must Vote PAP!