You are a fine example why there is a need for education. typical ill informed individual
Lee Kuan Yew had this to say when he was asked why Singapore was building the SAF.
“He [Mahathir] was direct and asked what we were building the SAF [Singapore Armed Forces] for. I replied equally directly that we feared that at some time or other there could be a random act of madness like cutting off our water supplied which they [the Malaysians] had publicly threatened whenever there were differences between us … In [the Separation] agreement, the Malaysian government had guaranteed our water supply. IF this was breached, we would go to the UN Security Council.
If water shortage became urgent, in an emergency, we would have to go in, forcibly if need be, to repair damaged pipes and machinery to restore the water flow. I was putting my cards on the table. He denied that such precipitate action would happen. I said I believe that he would not do this, but we had to be prepared for all contingencies.”
Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore Prime Minister (The Singapore Story, Page 276)