Major credit boost for firms
S’pore government to provide extra S$2.3b in loan support to businesses.
<cite class="auth">Channel NewsAsia - 2 hours 47 minutes ago</cite>
SINGAPORE: From next month, the government will enhance its business financing schemes to support an additional S$2.3 billion in loans to help local firms gain access to credit in the current economic slowdown.
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To encourage start—ups, the government will be raising investment capital from S$300,000 to S$1 million under the SPRING’s Start—up Enterprise Development Scheme. Its Business Angel Scheme will also be raised to S$1.5 million as a permanent feature. The government will also temporarily increase its co—match ratio, which means that start—ups will receive S$2 from the government for every dollar an investor puts into the firm.
Firms will also gain support in branching overseas. To help the firms spread their wings, eligibility criteria under the existing Internationalisation Financing Scheme (IFS) will be widened. The caps will be raised to S$300 million for non—trading companies, private non—trading companies and listed trading companies. This will help to increase the number of companies that qualify for IFS benefits.Commenting on the move to enhance financing schemes, Senior Minister for State and Trade S Iswaran said if the take up rate exceeds expectations, more help could be available to businesses.
“This should have a positive effect on flow of funds — it is backed up by a loan line of S$3.9 billion available for enterprises to tap on. And if the take up rate exceeds expectation, we will make available more resources with the support of the Ministry of Finance."
— CNA/sf/yt