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Mahathir : Johor is dependent on Singapore for its success. Hence we have helped Singapore expand using our Malaysian land (Johor)

syed putra

The former southern Thai/northern Malaysia territories were ceded to Malaysia because the Thais collaborated with the Japs during ww2 .. they allowed the Japs to land there and cycle down south to invade the peninsula
When the british landed, entire northern states of malaya was under thai rule.including kedah.
Kedah sultan leasing penang to British was therefore illegal.

Siam, Not Kedah, Lost Penang To The British, Says Expert​

By MT Webmaster On Oct 29, 2021

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(FMT) – As a debate over an annual honorarium rages, a heritage expert has given a brief outline of Penang’s history since Kedah leased it to the British in 1786.
Clement Liang, a council member of Penang Heritage Trust, said Kedah had no territorial right over the island when it agreed to the lease because it was Thailand, then known as Siam, that had sovereignty over it.
Kedah leased it without the Siamese king’s knowledge, he said.
Thai history textbooks and the national museum in Bangkok show that Penang island, or Koh Mak, was the first territory that Siam lost to a western power.
Liang said Saiburi, as Kedah was known then, was in subsequent years raided frequently by the Siamese force for its disobedience. In 1821, a war known as Perang Bisik saw Kuala Kedah destroyed and thousands of Kedahans escaping to Province Wellesley for safety and resettlement.

In 1826, King Rama III and British officials signed the Burney Treaty to establish Siam’s independence from European powers.
The treaty recognised Kedah, Perlis, Terengganu and Pattani as Siamese provinces and Penang and Province Wellesley as British territories.
“The Burney Treaty effectively nullified the leasehold status of Penang as agreed earlier between the sultan of Kedah and the East India Company,” Liang said.
“Boundary stones marked Siamese and British territories, some of which are still in existence in Seberang Perai today.”
He said it was only in 1909 that the Siamese kingdom returned Kedah and three other northern Malay states to the British. However, Kedah was given back to the Siamese in 1943 during the Japanese occupation.

syed putra

history is a can of worms. morons who claim land or islands to be part of their past territories are digging themselves cesspits which they will be buried in. if his bs is legit, indon can easily bring up their once proud and mighty majapahit empire and claim sovereignty over almost all of south east asia archipelago. it never ends. same shit with prc making their bs claims in south east asia based on their perverted interpretation of history. bunch of morons.
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I only know singapura belongs to malays.


Alfrescian (Inf)
history is a can of worms. morons who claim land or islands to be part of their past territories are digging themselves cesspits which they will be buried in. if his bs is legit, indon can easily bring up their once proud and mighty majapahit empire and claim sovereignty over almost all of south east asia archipelago. it never ends. same shit with prc making their bs claims in south east asia based on their perverted interpretation of history. bunch of morons.
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Read this account by a historian. The Malays for all of their so called warrior blood received one hell of a beating by the invading Siamese who not only pillaged Kedah but raped their escaping womenfolks. Bodies of the dead males were cut into pieces and thrown into the rivers to feed the crocs. The Siamese brought with them thousands of elephants to invade Kedah. Seems like riding elephants were akin to armoured carrier during wars of that era. LOL


Alfrescian (Inf)
Two other states are from same bugis pirate / mercenaries ancestry as sultan of johote. Selangor and pahang.
The only lineage that can be traced to malacca sultanate is perak.
Kedah has the longest surviving monarchy which started during the hindu/ Buddhist kingdom era maybe 1000 years ago.
Johore sultan still export sand via barges to sinkie for land reclamation despite export ban. I believe the rate he got is $19/MT. Not sure which currency they used.sand comes from sungei johore.
Pahang monarchy export marine sand to china. FOB usd9.50/ MT maybe.these are dredged from sea floor. Not sure if it's still continuing. So those reclaimed south china sea islsnds could be from sand supplied by these royals.
I believe the Bugis Warlords forced the original Johor Royals into intermarriages union to consolidate their power and rule over the then Sultan.


Yes. I think this one must give credit to the fat Sultan and his ancestors. The Chinese in Johore thrives due to the backing and support of the Royal Family. They also have this special position of Captain Cina , a community leader appointed by the Sultan as his personal adviser. The Sultan in the past have been known to pay for the repair works of houses belonging to rural Chinese families that were destroyed by floods. Some lucky ones were even given new houses by the Sultan to replace their battered old houses. That's why the Royal Family is very popular with the Chinese in Johore.
Is the Johor sultan popular with the m&ds n nehs in Johor?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Read this account by a historian. The Malays for all of their so called warrior blood received one hell of a beating by the invading Siamese who not only pillaged Kedah but raped their escaping womenfolks. Bodies of the dead males were cut into pieces and thrown into the rivers to feed the crocs. The Siamese brought with them thousands of elephants to invade Kedah. Seems like riding elephants were akin to armoured carrier during wars of that era. LOL
elephants made a huge difference together with the hilly jungle terrain and humid climate in burma during the battle of maymyo in 1768 where a smaller burmese army sexterminated over 36.9k elite troops including bannermen and mongolian allies of the qing empire. of course, the bulk of the dead were chink troops recruited by qing officials and generals.

syed putra

Read this account by a historian. The Malays for all of their so called warrior blood received one hell of a beating by the invading Siamese who not only pillaged Kedah but raped their escaping womenfolks. Bodies of the dead males were cut into pieces and thrown into the rivers to feed the crocs. The Siamese brought with them thousands of elephants to invade Kedah. Seems like riding elephants were akin to armoured carrier during wars of that era. LOL
The malays were in Thailand.
I already said, bangkok is derived from a malay word bengkuk, the sharp turn of chao phraya river at thst particular location.
The kingdom was hindu.
The Thais came down from southern china and chased the Malays out, but eventually were influenced by indian culture ( Buddhism) and adopted some of it.

[the origin of the Tai people may lie around Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southern China, where the Zhuang people currently account for approximately one third of the total population. The Qin dynasty founded Guangdong in 214 BC, initiating the successive waves of Chinese migrations from the north for hundreds of years to come.[35]

With the political and cultural pressures from the north, some Tai peoples migrated south[39] where they met the classical Indianized civilizations of Southeast Asia. According to linguistic and other historical evidence, the southwestward migration of Southwestern Tai-speaking tribes, in particular, from Guangxi took place sometime between the 8th-10th centuries.[40]

The Tais from the north gradually settled in the Chao Phraya valley from the tenth century onwards, in lands of the Dvaravati culture, assimilating the earlier Austroasiatic Mon and Khmer people, as well as coming into contact with the Khmer Empire. The Tais who came to the area of present-day Thailand were engulfed into the Theravada Buddhism of the Mon and the Hindu-Khmer culture and statecraft. Therefore, the Thai culture is a mixture of Tai traditions with Indic, Mon, and Khmer influences.[41]

Early Thai chiefdoms included the Sukhothai Kingdom and Suphan Buri Province. The Lavo Kingdom, which was the center of Khmer culture in Chao Phraya valley, was also the rallying point for the Thais. The Thai were called "Siam" by the Angkorians and they appeared on the bas relief at Angkor Wat as a part of the army of Lavo Kingdom. Sometimes the Thai chiefdoms in the Chao Phraya valley were put under the Angkorian control under strong monarchs (including Suryavarman II and Jayavarman VII) but they were mostly independent.

A new city-state known as Ayutthaya Covering the areas of central and southern Thailand, named after the Indian city of Ayodhya,[42] was founded by Ramathibodi and emerged as the center of the growing Thai empire starting in 1350. Inspired by the then Hindu-based Khmer Empire, the Ayutthayan empire's continued conquests led to more Thai settlements as the Khmer empire weakened after their defeat at Angkor in 1431. During this period, the Ayutthayans developed a feudal system as various vassal states paid homage to the Ayutthayans kings. Even as Thai power expanded at the expense of the Mon and Khmer, the Thai Ayutthayans faced setbacks at the hands of the Malays at Malacca and were checked by the Toungoo of Burma.]


Alfrescian (Inf)
elephants made a huge difference together with the hilly jungle terrain and humid climate in burma during the battle of maymyo in 1768 where a smaller burmese army sexterminated over 36.9k elite troops including bannermen and mongolian allies of the qing empire. of course, the bulk of the dead were chink troops recruited by qing officials and generals.

Talking about elephants. Remind me of the story yr AD 570 when a zealous xtian Abraha with big elephants, he tried to destroy the Kaaba. But Allah azzawajal protected the Kaaba by sending birds carrying three stones, two with their claws and one with their beaks that destroyed the enemies.

1. Seest thou not how thy Lord dealt with the Companions of the Elephant?
2. Did He not make their treacherous plan go astray?
3. And He sent against them Flights of Birds,
4. Striking them with stones of baked clay.
5. Then did He make them like an empty field of stalks and straw, (of which the corn) has been eaten up. [Q:105]


Alfrescian (Inf)
Talking about elephants. Remind me of the story yr AD 570 when a zealous xtian Abraha with big elephants, he tried to destroy the Kaaba. But Allah azzawajal protected the Kaaba by sending birds carrying three stones, two with their claws and one with their beaks that destroyed the enemies.

1. Seest thou not how thy Lord dealt with the Companions of the Elephant?
2. Did He not make their treacherous plan go astray?
3. And He sent against them Flights of Birds,
4. Striking them with stones of baked clay.
5. Then did He make them like an empty field of stalks and straw, (of which the corn) has been eaten up. [Q:105]
they were a terror to the romans when hannibal invaded the italian peninsula during the punic wars. but after losing legions after legions and several devastating battles on roman soil, the romans learned to deal with them and exacted revenge back on carthaginian soil, ironically. instead of confronting the elephants they allowed them to pass through by opening up columns and banging shields and spearing their sides to scare them off and let them run into their own troops.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Is the Johor sultan popular with the m&ds n nehs in Johor?
The Mats are subservient loyal subjects to the Johor Royals. Any dissent towards the Royals is akin to blasphemy for them. That shows you how they die die will defend the monarchy system of Matland. As for the Kelings, I'm not that sure. But many Kelings were disgusted with the late Johor Sultan for brutally assaulting a hockey coach of Indian descent some 3 decades back that led to Mahathir curtailing the powers of the Malaysian Royal members. And by the way this Fat Hippo Johor Sultan bought a Rolex as a gift to his former teacher a Penang Chinese Uncle, when he visited the latter few years ago as a form gratitude.

syed putra

The Mats are subservient loyal subjects to the Johor Royals. Any dissent towards the Royals is akin to blasphemy for them. That shows you how they die die will defend the monarchy system of Matland. As for the Kelings, I'm not that sure. But many Kelings were disgusted with the late Johor Sultan for brutally assaulting a hockey coach of Indian descent some 3 decades back that led to Mahathir curtailing the powers of the Malaysian Royal members. And by the way this Fat Hippo Johor Sultan bought a Rolex as a gift to his former teacher a Penang Chinese Uncle, when he visited the latter few years ago as a form gratitude.
The fate of monarchs whether in jiu hu, or elsewhere, depends on the economy. France and Russia were starving so they ditched the monarchy,


Alfrescian (Inf)
The fate of monarchs whether in jiu hu, or elsewhere, depends on the economy. France and Russia were starving so they ditched the monarchy,
jiu hu monarchy system is unique - local monarchy in most states, the sultans take turns to be king. huge wastes of taxpayers' money.


The Mats are subservient loyal subjects to the Johor Royals. Any dissent towards the Royals is akin to blasphemy for them. That shows you how they die die will defend the monarchy system of Matland. As for the Kelings, I'm not that sure. But many Kelings were disgusted with the late Johor Sultan for brutally assaulting a hockey coach of Indian descent some 3 decades back that led to Mahathir curtailing the powers of the Malaysian Royal members. And by the way this Fat Hippo Johor Sultan bought a Rolex as a gift to his former teacher a Penang Chinese Uncle, when he visited the latter few years ago as a form gratitude.
So cina in johor is actually better than being cina non mudslime in PAS states?


This fucking Mamak Kutty is always stirring troubles for Singapore and still living in history. Why doesn't he gets Covid-19 at his age and dies off? He'd better be careful as once Najib is PM again, he'll have to go to jail or escape from Malaysia to live in a foreign land as a fugitive, similar to Thaksin now, but for an entirely different reason.

syed putra

jiu hu monarchy system is unique - local monarchy in most states, the sultans take turns to be king. huge wastes of taxpayers' money.
The British wanted to eliminate the monarchy by introducing the malaya union, meaning no more states.
The monarchy did not protest. In fact, the monarchs are appy with british rule.
It was umno that created such a ruckus which ended up like what it is currently.