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MAGA? Taiwanese ICA arrested WHOLE BUS LOAD FULL OF Illegal Viet Cong Migrants @ Tourism Spot 墾丁

democracy my butt

No Work Permit Viet Cong Workers hired a whole chartered tour bus to travel famous 墾丁 tourism spot. All kenna DEPORTATION arrested on the spot! MAGA!? 42 Viet Congs go home on FOC deportation flight!

非法移工包車遊墾丁 42人整團被逮


21.7k 人追蹤

2019年9月28日 上午5:50


Illegal transfer of chartered car travels to Kenting 42 people were arrested
Zhongshi News
21.7k person tracking
Liu Xiufen reports from Tainan
September 28, 2019, 5:50 am

China Times [Liu Xiufen ╱ Tainan Report]

A few dozen Vietnamese illegal immigrants from the group went to Taitung and Kenting for a three-day, two-night tour. They did not expect to be targeted by the Southern District Task Force of the Southern District Affairs Bureau of the Immigration Department. On the 26th, they intercepted the Guanmiao section of National Highway No. 3. They took a tour bus and seized 42 Vietnamese illegal immigrants in one fell swoop. All of them took back the night to trace the illegality and will carry out repatriation according to regulations.

It is understood that the tour group consists of 45 people, including one of the legally resident Vietnamese New Residents. The majority of the participants are illegal residents, and 33 people are lost to work. They are in the tea garden of Puli in Nantou. Tea pickers, others are overstayers and missed crew members.

After receiving the report, the immigration officer gradually locked the tour bus dynamics and used the group to return to Nantou on the way. Coordinating the National Highway Police Station intercepted the tour bus at the Guanmiao section of National Highway No. 3 and guided to the Guanmiao service area. The car was docked and many immigrants The officer immediately swarmed up and surrounded the front and rear doors. The object in the car was difficult to fly when he saw the wings. The atmosphere inside the car was suddenly frozen.

During the immigration officer's inspection, a male illegal alien population attempted to collide with the security gate. Even a petite woman hid under the seat of the tour bus, thinking that she could escape the immigration officer's eyes. As a result, there was nowhere to escape.

Xiong Deren, the captain of the Tainan City Special Duty Team, said that the Immigration Department will continue to strengthen inspections to curb illegal alienation of illegal immigrants. It also appeals to Chinese people not to facilitate illegal employment. According to the Employment Service Law, more than 150,000 yuan can be penalized. Less than 10,000 yuan, the recidivism within 5 years is more involved in criminal responsibility, the most important is the imprisonment of up to 3 years, the criminal detention or the penalty of 120 yuan or less.

More social related news

greedy and cunning

our useless I see A make use of the offender to provide info
over stayer is offered to work as spy
also over stayers got to buy the air ticket with their own money
no free flight


our useless I see A make use of the offender to provide info
over stayer is offered to work as spy
also over stayers got to buy the air ticket with their own money
no free flight

Sell their backsides on Alibaba.Com or sell their kidneys etc can or not?

Human Rights must be destroyed and Punished.

democracy my butt

GVGT! Can Click here for video!


· 125人追蹤
6 小時前



Petite Tibetan seat! Illegal transfer of sightseeing car carousel was arrested

TVBS News Network Video

· 125 people tracking

6 hours ago



Petite Tibetan seat! Illegal transfer of sightseeing car carousel was arrested

Vietnamese people who came to Taiwan illegally rented a tour bus together to travel to Kenting. After the immigration officer was reported, the national police officers were coordinated to catch people in the Guanmiao service area. They evaded investigation, and some of them tried to escape from the security door to escape. There were also petite Vietnamese women who hid under the seat of the tour bus and covered themselves with famous products. The result was that the sharp-eyed officers were vigilant.
