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Low budget Samsters who like to book Hotel81, you share bed with these filthy shitskins & slutty maids ....




Alfrescian (Inf)
there’s more sex between banglas and pinays in sg than sinkie unkers and beer aunties combined with flaccid sbf unkers.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why not call it Hotel 69 ?
there’s still an opportunity to start a hotel 69 chain as more whores are showing up on sinkie shores plus pinays who make sextra incum and housewives who cunt make ends meet with surging inflation and inflated cocks looking for release. $6.9 for 69 minutes earns better than $59 nett per night. don’t need fancy towels and bedsheets. made in india bed and bath linen will do. can wash and recycle at least 69 times for only 6.9% of the cost of regular hotel linen. will becum de facto quickie hotel of sg. seriously budget hotels in sg shouldn’t encourage low ses fuckers to hump in minutes and slump for hours. the more idle time a bangla bf and a pinay prostitute spend in a room talking cock and puntang the more chances of jealousy, misunderstanding, frustration, and murder happening. rooms for these fuckers should be just fuck and chuck, hump and dump, ram and scram, gun and run. they can sing and talk sweet nothings in parks, void decks, staircases, and parking lots. saves them money too.
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