No doubts as to who wears the pants in the household.
Also, I can't understand why anyone would consider Beatrice Chia as 'hot'. She's just an Ivan Heng clone with long hair and tits.
Local female ex-celebs such as Lisa Ang, Diana Ser and Wong Li Lin were much better-looking.
For fuck's sake, have some standards.[/QUOTE]I have to disagree with you on Diana Ser........she looks like a retard with that high forehead.....
Wong Li Lin i have seen her before.....looks great (small boobs not withstanding).....
Lisa Ang is got the inside track and she is turning into a milf gracefully....she's another that got a fucktard sorry excuse for a hubby.
laksaboy No doubts as to who wears the pants in the household. Also said:You should stop watching Ivan Heng in drag.
Local female ex-celebs such as Lisa Ang, Diana Ser and Wong Li Lin were much better-looking. For fuck's sake, have some standards.
.Narong Wongwan said:Wong Li Lin i have seen her before.....looks great (small boobs not withstanding).....
Lisa Ang is got the inside track and she is turning into a milf gracefully....
Jazreel Low also beh pai when in her 20s. Wasted her time and youth on Eric though.
He's bad at everything, including his co-hosting the 90.5 morning show with his old man. He is just a badly brought up chup-cheng who thinks he is great in everything. You can easily spot a few grammatical errors within the 4 hours every morning, treats his father Brian as if the latter is his junior. When reading the traffic reports, "towards" is pronounced "todds".
Yet another reason for my turn off when he came on that radio station. Ear jarring, switched to Lush 99.5 with Joe and Petrina -obvious choicegreatest embarrassment for me is to see someone go in public with his old man and start talking cock every morning. To get paid for it is obscene, but to force their gibberish down people's throats is unforgivable.
Eric and Jazreel always fuck in the room but never close the door one....
I saw Jazreel in action before......I knew Eric's brother and used to hang out at their place.....Eric and Jazreel always fuck in the room but never close the door one....
MR probably didn't even pass his A levels. He is only used ad nauseam because of his half-assed ang moh name, which the dead people at mediacorpse try desperately to exoticise. The greatest embarrassment for me is to see someone go in public with his old man and start talking cock every morning. To get paid for it is obscene, but to force their gibberish down people's throats is unforgivable.
u from JJC?
I bet he acts so arrogantly because of his ang moh looks and also his employers try to promote him simply cos he looks more ang moh with a white man's last name. He was just lucky in the draw that he turned out looking more white than asian. That's about it. He probably thinks like this. I look ang moh no need to do well in studies. I look ang moh means i definitely speak 100% perfect english. I look ang moh and speak with ang moh accent means my grammar is automatically better than someone with a sinkie accent. I am sure that's how he thinks.
I bet he acts so arrogantly because of his ang moh looks and also his employers try to promote him simply cos he looks more ang moh with a white man's last name. He was just lucky in the draw that he turned out looking more white than asian. That's about it. He probably thinks like this. I look ang moh no need to do well in studies. I look ang moh means i definitely speak 100% perfect english. I look ang moh and speak with ang moh accent means my grammar is automatically better than someone with a sinkie accent. I am sure that's how he thinks.
He is lapsup angmo kind like that flying Dutchman....back then any angmo worth his salt stays private and studies in SAS or UWC...
Only those 'abandon' kids (mother fucked by angmo and angmo goes back home country) live the heartland life.
Sad that he's actually a low class half fucked ang moh. What's worse is that somehow he can just BS his way thru things simply because he's ang moh just like how mediacock is promoting him all cos he's an ang moh no matter how incompetent he is.