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Hope referee no kelong.I would put it as 6 to 1, if you know what I mean.

Hope referee no kelong.I would put it as 6 to 1, if you know what I mean.
Called back Francis Seow, David MarshallLeong Sze Huan can get Roy Ngerng and Han hui hui to help fuck ah Loong In court.
LSH is unable to get other lawyer in SG to represent him, especially against LHL in Court.
Which lawyer can do it, if not for Lim Tean who step up.
Looking at the line up from LHL side, the first lawyer Mr Singh alone already can scare off most lawyers in SG liao
No need to hope. I strongly believe PM Lee will win.I hope this statistician LSH who know how to add 1+1 think he very clever kena big time from the dishonorable.
Friends from the 154 I presume.Lawyer Khush Chopra Wary About The Public Gallery Seats Given Out During Leong Sze Hian's Defamation Suit
Submitted by farhan on Tue, 06/10/2020 - 3:52pm
Prominent lawyer and Peoples Voice Party (PVP) chief Lim Tean will be at the Supreme Court today to defend blogger Leong Sze Hian against a defamation suit filed by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. The open Court hearing will be taking place from 6 Oct to 9 Oct 2020.
Lim Tean shared that he alone will be up against 5 lawyers from Davinder Singh Chambers LLC. He will also be cross-examining Lee Hsien Loong today and Wednesday (7 Oct).
Due to the Covid19 safe distancing measures, the Court only released 20 seats in the public gallery for this 10AM open hearing. According to news reports, all tickets for this open Court hearing were snapped up by 7AM this morning.
This revelation caused lawyer Khush Chopra to comment "I wonder who knew the unusually early time that queue numbers would be issued and that only 20 seats in the public gallery would be available. I’m not sure you can say that this trial is being conducted in open court that anyone is allowed to attend in these circumstances."
Why were tickets for a 10AM hearing issued three hours ahead of time? Who were these 20 people who were so "enthusiastic" to arrive at the Court so early? Very peculiar indeed.
Yeah if LKY was a Commie Leeder then your Ah Gong must be Mao Zedong. LOL...LOL... LOLPinky is not his father where he is a communist leader using threats to rule this country.
Pinky is a CAQ with chaobor gene in him. His luck will run out very soon already one more GRC has gone to Oppo this year. Karma is the bitch...
Yeah if LKY was a Commie Leeder then your Ah Gong must be Mao Zedong. LOL...LOL... LOL
How to help? Do voodoo on gay fag until he dies? Thats the only cureI am perplex that no Singaporeans here take a step to help Lim Tean, especially those who totally dislike the PAP. If LHL is so worried about being questioned, then he must be doing something that is not of the light.