From my home in East Coast to HH including immigration clearance, if I travelled during non peak hour.. I can reach HH around 45-50min. I agreed it is a long journey if compute daily and expensive if you travel by Tuas everyday... However if you are determined to accept that, it is definitely possible considered so many folks have done it..
Thats why I'd mentioned that if working fulltime in SIN, I foresee more days when one would'd wished one did not have to drive an hour back to home, especially late at night and after a long tiring day...

Thats also why I reckon living in JB and working fulltime as PMET in SIN is not really viable... its probably more suited for retirees or semi-retirees or people with flexible work hours...
Mind you, I already have several properties in JB and elsewhere, looking for more too...
Anyway, personally I'm planning ahead as I truly believe that the divergence in SIN v JB prices is simply too large and it will inevitably narrow - the spillover effect of a very expensive Singapore.
Retirement is still many years away and having lived, worked and travelled abroad extensively, I still find SIN one of the best cities to live in... and increasingly, as a nice complement, JB - for the weekend or day-trip to let loose some angst and steam...