Brought her to places both good and bad. Took her to the pasar malam too and let her experience all the sights and sounds.
Just now, before she went to bed, asked me to take her around Gateway, thought she meant car and prepared to take car
keys, etc but she stopped me and asked to walk around the area. So took her around, she was pretty pleased and then asked
me the often repeated question. Whats the crime rate here?
I told her crime happens everywhere, we need to take proper care and vigliance but thats the best we can do. She seems quite
pleased. Now lamenting why her 2 sons didn't get any back then when i first gave my father in law my report on HH. She even
asked me if i wanted to sell any of mine now, was a bit pai seh but had to say no as i really want to keep them for my children.
Now that i have another one coming along, i am glad i can leave him/her with something. All of wuqi's kids will get something.

This is really a good place for me, despite its warts and all. Really happy here.