It's always good to hear from bros and sisters about their investment perspectives, especially in times of uncertainty, it helps to know that there are many people who share the same sediments. I got a lot more to learn from all the successful bros and sisters here, people like Wuqi, Investor, HH, LeMans. I am sure many people have benefited from all of you.
I for one have always believed in property investment but I've never talked to my friends about these things because all they can tell me is, they have a new eye candy in school, let's go clubbing, let's go on holiday, let's go out and play computer games, the latest movie, music, computer gadgets, new flashy cars. To be honest, I am not interested in these and if I don't pretend I am interested, I will have no one to hang out with.
I prefer to hang out with people older than me who can share with me about their life experiences. One advice I got from a Malaysian sister is to surround yourself with positive and like minded people.
Next week, I will be attending a gathering with property investors from Malaysia (org by that sister), we will be sharing our views on Iskandar Malaysia and some of them will share with us their experiences (after that, hopefully I am able to share with you guys their views on Iskandar Malaysia), I'm looking to learn from these seniors. I noticed that Malaysian youths are generally more matured compared to their Singaporean peers. I met one who is in his late 20s, but has already bought land to develop houses. Met a few other very successful ones in KL, and they are all very humble and accommodating to show me around driving me from show offices to show offices, explaining the KL market in detail.
This group of brothers and sisters are all friends and through one, I got to know many more, some based in Singapore, some in KL. This is my network of like minded friends that I wish to build on and expand.
Same for this forum, we have gathered many positive and like minded people, I really wish to meet many of you in real life. Who says there are no kind hearted people?

I too believe Iskandar Malaysia is set to grow more. Now the question is not whether or not to invest in Iskandar Malaysia, my worry is not having enough fund to buy more before prices shoot up even higher.