Oh , meaning alithough UOB approved my loan, i can still source for other banks right ?
my sales gal keep pushing UOB ....
Yes, you can still do a u turn now. Don't be pressured by them or anyone into signing with any bank. You have the right to shop
around. Also, where in any doubtful situation when buying a property, you have the right to say no before S&P, etc. Even then
there are still ways to get out. Where in cases for buying subsale property, always insist on getting a separate lawyer so that
one represents you and the other represents the seller. Never use the same lawyer for both sides as in cases of dispute, the
lawyer can help neither.
Bros who are already with the 3 banks, it was actually mentioned earlier in the threads but even then your mileage may vary
so it may not be so bad as some of those who encountered them. Just my 2 cents worth from own experience as well as that of
others who i was helping. Personally, i would not touch them. Even the Jap guys here told me not to from bad experience. Imagine
folks shooing you away when you want a loan as they think that foreigners cannot get any loan or even open any types of account
here. Really embarrasing to know from them that it was H X X C.