lastresort, euphony, vincent, jasonjst,
to share my opinion on this subject.. Iskandar is a natural progression of geography and common sense for both sides for mutual gain. It is really taking off now that the politicians have settled the nonsensical fake cross-border spat. See HK & Shenzhen. After so many years Hong Kong is still resided by many locals while indeed more rich Chinese & foreigners have invested in HK property. Both sides have benefited tremendously. Also many manufacturers ('ex-made in hong kong') moved to Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Zhuhai etc... but residing in HK still. In the meantime HK has become even more prosperous and a key global financial centre. Singapore & Iskandar will follow this with Singapore achieving its aspiration to be high tech high R&D design manufacturing and focus on financial services - and of course some casinos for rich people playground. Iskandar does not seek to compete - thus you see the recent Iskandar repositioning as complementary economy. JB benefit from the spillover of lower-end manufacturing but also relieve population pressure on the island. I cannot imagine Singapore having the super high condos common in HK. But seeing mickey mouse condo trend, maybe it will... along with all said above positives..