Allowing me to input my personal views here. If life is really so good and easy in JB, 5 million Sporeans would already be staying in JB. If you think of using the customs daily, never even think of using Woodlands customs. There are instances whereby I leave my house at 6am and reach office 9am, esp during rainy days. The traffic is horrible and I dont think one would want to subject yourself to these perennial stress and struck in traffic jams for 4-6 hours daily. Once a week is fine but if u are struck in jams EVERY day, its really bad for your health. We are not talking about CTE jams, which is really nothing compared to those at Customs whereby cars simply cut u off anytime without any signals.. And u get the risk of dents on your cars. What for?
I decided to use 2nd link but still, ever since they reduced the toll charges, the traffic has increased and is EVER increasing. The traffic now at 2nd link is like the Woodlands traffic in the 1990s where jams are very rare except during weekends but for how long? It will surely become another Woodlands checkpoint because every other day, new house owners are moving into Gelang Patah, Taman Scientex, Sri Orchid, Nusantanra, Perinitis towns, Skudai, Bukit Indah, Horizon Hills, Leisure Farms, East Ledang and Ledang Heights etc.. not forgetting the condos that will ultimately commands the skylines.
Currently the jam is "acceptable" even though sometimes it takes 5-10 times for 1-2 cars in front to clear at Tuas.
In the months of Nov and Dec, one has to observe and prepare the jams because of the school holidays. Last time around Dec time, there were many postings regarding the horrible jams at Tuas throughout the months of Dec. I remembered kena strucked in the Tuas Checkpoint when I was returning to JB for about 2 hours daily during that period.
Ask yourself, if you can accept this current jams or the eventual jams that will surely materalise in the coming 5 years.. if u can, then you can move into Nusajaya. For me I have tried daily and I think I can't accept, as it is taking a significant toll on my mental beings. I had to plan, organise daily and when I am driving towards the Tuas and Malaysian checkpoint, it has come to a point where my heart beats faster because I am wondering if the jams will be there.
After sometimes, I moved back to Spore and found that I saved quite a bit ( around S$1000 ) on tolls and petrol.. The journey to and fro Nusajaya and spore office alone is about S$1000 a month with tolls, which is absolutely extra expenses for me. Yes. I get to stay in a larger house with fresher air but the jams daily simply turned me off. Now I only return to JB once a week, sometimes to collect rent, pump petrol etc and I find that life is much easier and I got so much more time on my side. No more horrific jams at the customs

and I being to appreciate the simple PIE and CTE jams and the journey from Tampines to Jurong seem to much shorter than before.. as I dont have to drive 120 km to and from my Malaysian house and Spore office daily.