Thanks bro wuqi for the valuable info. Your neighbour's unit sounds good.
Can u do me a favour by providing me with their contact number? I would like to arrange to view their place. I will PM you my contact.
[wuqi256;515233]Most adverts that I come across are equipped with fans, lights, grilles, water heaters, kitchen cabinets, hobs n hoods, some comes with aircon for certain rooms. Ready to move in after bringing in the sofa,beds and appliances. Yet to confirm if there's any hidden price advertised.
Great to hear, good for you! Thats a nice plan to have and you seemed to be maximizing your savings while enjoying the good life by going in here and now.
This should be ok, it really depends on the quality of the furnishings, the facing of the house as well as things like curtains. The one that was rented out at $2600 that i know my neighbour rented it out is with a bed as well as sofa and dining table so its like fully furnished. The nicer ones with better fixtures are rented out at higher price.
I have another neighbour who has a pretty nice one close to my unit(mine rented out already) at The Golf which has full grilles, kitchen hob and cabinets, very nice lights, comes with 5 airconditioners and fans as well as water heaters for all toilets. It even comes with a large balcony on the 2nd floor, she is asking for $2200 i think and if with curtains, bed, sofa, its also about $2600-$2700.[/QUOTE]