For bros who are worry about powerlines when buying your johor prop, you will be interested in my following contribution.
In johor one can see basically 2 types of distribution pylons. the big 400KV and above type. These normally ply across massive fields. An example are those pylons that litters across the area around setia eco gdns. The other type is the smaller 275KV type which is fairly common in many townships. The main concern from these wires is the EMF/ELF emitted from them. Basically EMF/ELF are magnetic field radiation. Research have shown that for EMF, if exposed for a prolonger period at doses greater than 0.3 MT (Microtesla), it can be harmful especially to young children. Ambient EMF or background EMF readings range from 0.01 MT to 0.05 MT.
Unlike electric field which can be shielded, EMF is quite impossible to shield. However, the good news about EMF is that it decreases exponentially over distance. Research have shown that even for the 400KV pylons, anything more than 100m, the EMF goes to below 0.2MT. in other words, those ppl who buy Setia Eco Gdns really have nothing to worry about as these bad boys are located more than 100m away from the township. For the smaller pylons, safe distance will of course be lesser than 100m. That is why the buffer space (called easement) given for these pylons ranges from 50 to 100m from the nearest house/building.
i own an eletric field meter that is able to measure both EMF/ELF. i have personally measured such fields at those townships that are close to such powerlines and that is why i am able to test out many of the research claims and write this piece. In fact, for many of these areas, EMF will only spike up when the house is located directly below the wires or less than 20m from the wires. Once beyond 50m, the EMF drops very quickly to ambient EMF.
i would therefore suggest bros purchase an EMF reader which can be helpful not only when it comes to house hunting but also within the confines of the home....
For parents with toddlers or small kids who like to press themselves against tv or stand/watch close to the TV, my advise is BETTER PULL THEM BACK!. My own kids have these problems. I measured the EMF from my 32 LCD tv, it spiked at 0.9MT!!. For my 32 LED TV, it only spiked at 0.3MT. So it is indeed true that LED emit lesser radiation compared to LCD. The biggest EMF emitter in the house is the micowave oven. The readings will shoot through the roof!! - More than 10MT!! - when i place my meter in front of the microwave while it is in operation. lucky i only heat up things once a while...hahhaa.
i hope bros will find this piece of info useful.