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Moderator - JB Section
Hi Lemans, attaching the google earth map. There are 2 Petronas stations nearby. Is it the one on the way to Perling or is it the one that is opposite a police station? The very busy often crowded coffeeshop which has some shops beside it selling joss papers, etc?

From the description though, it sounds like the latter rather than the former.


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Moderator - JB Section
Ok Bro Lemans, i got it now, it should be at this place that i am attaching now. I have marked it out so that it looks
more readily identifiable.

If its really that place i would only go to mainly in my J plate car although i did notice several nice looking S plate
cars there.

S plate and flashy car eating at that place? Although crime can happen anywhere but this might really be tempting fate.
I noticed one more roadblock than usual and they even asked me questions today.


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Moderator - JB Section
Bro Lemans, got it. I understand from friends though, for robbery with guns, even faked ones, they will take extra notice.
Maybe just coincidence but it really seems tighter today, even in the rain they checked my car.


Yes you are right, maybe I should come back to singapore.. Its not possible that they do not know noise can travel.. And the bangs are getting louder and louder each day..

That man is not the sort anyone would offend... The management office wants proof.. The clerks told me witnesses are not sufficient.. Told me to call the downstairs security to come up and listen to catch the noise... How is this possible? Yesterday there were thunderous bangs from 11pm-2am, I am not sure what was happening.. I feel very uneasy.. Those bangs are not normal, sounds like someone throwing a metal chair at a wooden cabinet.. It was very very loud... 10minutes once... Sometimes, heavy footsteps followed by a huge bang... Defitely deliberately done.. There is a dog upstairs and after every bang, the dog would start barking... Its that loud.. There is something going on inside I am sure..

I have no choice but to consider moving out.. Maybe back to Singapore... There is no peace here.. If I move within JB, can someone recommend a mover for me?

Hi RT,

You misunderstood my opinion. I meant work in Singapore and daily commute back and forth to JB.

There was a posting by an Irene who was doing daily commute and found her groove after a while.... will be good to read it.. Do not give up on first obstacle.


As for the neighbour, if you do not feel comfortable and you have tried the best you can to rectify then moving out to another place in JB is an option for sure. CW3 runs in Bukit Indah side to Jurong East station/IMM. I have seen many many motor bikes around 6am to Tuas from 2nd link. If you have bike, staying in Bukit Indah area is an option..


Hi bros & sis

been a while since i logged on here. i feel strongly they are targeting s"poreans there. one evening after viewing we were approached by someone. don't wish to describe in details but we were lucky the owner of the restaurant came out and the guy went away.

very doggy. sometimes it voices down to luck. anyway, my fren's uncle got stopped at the petrol station once, someone was knocking on his windscreen. this person was using a baseball bat knocking on his windscreen. end result, pay money. even the people at the petrol station did nothing.

i was at a petronas station this week. the attendent only one sitting around chilling, suddenly he stood up and started making noise to people around pumping petrol. it seems like it's his Kampung! don't mess with me.

well it makes me wonder what kind of people petronas engage. well we are all in a foreign country, what can we do? this not singapore, so watch ourselves, watch our back. be as careful as we can. try to blend in with locals.


those bloody low lifers, wish i could bash their head in kick their groin out.
hope u & ur wife r fine now LeMans bro.


My wife and I met her too when we visited HH for the 1st time... treated us well enough, although she forgot to update us on The Hills after we told her we wanted corner units. Second time I was there with my friend and wife; she gave decent service too. I told her I bought a corner unit in NI; maybe she felt guilty for forgetting to let me know about The Hills. Can't imagine she would purposely give bad service... but I guess we can't really tell. I guess different people will have different experiences.

Shinyi is probably the best salesperson of the lot I have met there. She can convince you to buy a higher priced unit by making logical rationale arguments. She is good . Some others quite blur. I also went thru the excuse by another of last-minute-MC, cannot make appointment to view site. Too bad in those cases for the salesperson concerned. I have even once been suggested not to buy in HH and instead, look at resale of another development, by one of HH's own salesperson! Sneaky side income happening...

Now, let me try explain why they are so like that, and why is not about how you dress....

When they are hungry to meet their monthly quota or when newly joined, you will be made to feel like royalty by the salesperson concerned. But if you go after mid-month (since HH sells by itself so well- noticed no landed show units?) after they have met their quota, you get ignored and treated like an itch. They do not get sales commission.

But I am impressed by this Prem whom I have one time spoken with briefly before. If she can stay in HH, I guess she is probably secondary income earner at home and just enjoys the job and interaction with people, regardless of quota having been met already..

Thus I believe it boils down to timing and some luck to have met the right salesperson at the right time.

Anyway if get bad service, so what? HH appeals so much to me that even if I have to deal with a robot, no problem.

When in Malaysia, and do not expect Singapore-level service, then 'bo boon tuay' .
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Anyway if get bad service, so what? HH appeals so much to me that even if I have to deal with a robot, no problem.

When in Malaysia, and do not expect Singapore-level service, then 'bo boon tuay' .

actually i find my service better than sg as a whole. Administration has less efficacy of cos. the 2 must be differentiated. i think the sales stuff is very important especially for housing projects because through them you unlock important information as to whether this project is suitable for you since it is a big ticket item. So far through several projects HH is the only one which I walked away without much detail in hand.

At setia tropika, i was looking at a particular unit and told the sales girl i will visit another time before making the decision, the next time I went, the other sales staff greeted me by name and apologized for the staff who had taken leave. They were up to speed on which unit and promptly arranged for transport to said unit. I dropped by jaws at their service and couldn't thank them enough even though i eventually did not buy.

at EL, i was there almost towards closing hour when the last few units of EL twin villa were still available. they told me to go have a look, i looked i fell in love and went back for more details, both the sales and banker sat with me patiently past knock off time even when we were the only ones around. i was the one who was wanting to leave as I was hungry! haha and i thanked them profusely.

at LF, the sales rep really went over the top for me. too much to even mention but the most important was her subtly alerting me to potential shortfalls if i choose to commit, mainly i must have my own transport to go in and around the area as she advised it may not be that accessible etc. i was showing a close foreigner friend around and she drove us inside and out of LF even to the larger iskandar area describing things which are happening. My friend and I dropped our jaws.

Perhaps I am spoilt after all these amazing service but I cannot condone bad ones because they then give people the idea it is the norm which is not le! >)
That said I am a happy owner now so as the hard decisions are over. Now am just preparing for the shift soon!


Re: Almost Robbed in JB

Victoria Police believed a spate of shootings in Melbourne's North (Glenroy) is being fuelled by a dispute over control of the local drugs trade.


Six shooting incidents have been reported in Glenroy and nearby suburbs in recent weeks.

Yesterday afternoon, shots were exchanged between two cars on Hilda Avenue at Glenroy, with a bullet hitting one house.

This morning, dozens of police are searching cars and houses in the area.

Police say two rival families battling over control of the local drug trade are responsible for the violence.

What happens in the World's Most Liveable City???


Re: Almost Robbed in JB

OK people... finally CRIME has landed on me in JB.

This is at Pearl Restaurant, ie a coffee shop opposite the Petronas kiosk where you can wait for bus CW3. I took my usual routine of going there for dinner about 10+ pm earlier last night. As i got down my car after parking, there was a bespectacled man in 30s beside my car... looked like a typical family man. I thought he was waiting for his family to get into his car beside mine. Instead, he spoke to me in Chinese "robbery"... i still din't get it... he repeated "robbery, get back into your car"... then only i noticed he was holding something which looked like a pistol.

I finally came to my senses this guy was trying to rob me... i was not sure if the pistol was real as i did not serve NS... but my impulse told me to counter-attack. I was shouting like a madman fighting for his life as i struggled with him and we both fell onto the road. During the struggle he fired a shot... i heard only small sound with some smoke coming out. So it was a fake gun. Within the split second his accomplice has taken my wife's wallet and came to join him. By then the people from the coffee shop realised this does not look like an ordinary fight and came forward but the two has fled.

Only my wife's pouch was taken with some RM100 bucks within, no other damage, except a few bruises on my mouth, elbow, toes.

Looks like my car has attracted some attention and someone has observed our routine. Fortunately they were amateurs with fake guns, otherwise things could have been worse.

So people... be watchful when you are out and about. Imagine this happened near a coffee shop with so many people around.

Hi Lemans,

Glad to hear that you and wife OK. Good for you, as your nick implies, got Balls..... (excuse the crude expression...:p) simply giving in could have resulted in a worse situation for both of you. Glad you had the presence and reacted quickly, not giving the coward a chance BUT happy you were not hurt. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Huang Lei

New Member
Hi, can anyone suggest where to get ready marinated barbecue items at affordable price as well as the accessories needed. It will be convenient for me if you suggest one stop shop for all the barbecue items I need.:smile:


Re: Almost Robbed in JB

OK people... finally CRIME has landed on me in JB.

This is at Pearl Restaurant, ie a coffee shop opposite the Petronas kiosk where you can wait for bus CW3. I took my usual routine of going there for dinner about 10+ pm earlier last night. As i got down my car after parking, there was a bespectacled man in 30s beside my car... looked like a typical family man. I thought he was waiting for his family to get into his car beside mine. Instead, he spoke to me in Chinese "robbery"... i still din't get it... he repeated "robbery, get back into your car"... then only i noticed he was holding something which looked like a pistol.

I finally came to my senses this guy was trying to rob me... i was not sure if the pistol was real as i did not serve NS... but my impulse told me to counter-attack. I was shouting like a madman fighting for his life as i struggled with him and we both fell onto the road. During the struggle he fired a shot... i heard only small sound with some smoke coming out. So it was a fake gun. Within the split second his accomplice has taken my wife's wallet and came to join him. By then the people from the coffee shop realised this does not look like an ordinary fight and came forward but the two has fled.

Only my wife's pouch was taken with some RM100 bucks within, no other damage, except a few bruises on my mouth, elbow, toes.

Looks like my car has attracted some attention and someone has observed our routine. Fortunately they were amateurs with fake guns, otherwise things could have been worse.

So people... be watchful when you are out and about. Imagine this happened near a coffee shop with so many people around.

We've been to that coffee shop many times in the past and have chosen not to go there anymore, yes the place is crowded and the people can be rowdy. It's also very stuffy inside the coffeeshop, while it's really unclean at the road side area, but the main reason is because my dad drives a flashy car too.

I personally find older tamans more dangerous than new neighbourhoods. It is this kind of incident that is keeping many Singaporeans from coming and venturing further into small tamans.

While it is true crime happens every where. The difference between Singapore and JB is such incidents can happen in day broad light in crowded public places close to a "police post". It is less likely to happen in a crowded suburban market in Singapore.

It can happen to anyone, so let's all be more careful!
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haha skippy bro, I bet I'm younger than you, so it feels weird to be called bro. great, i'll try the food there when i happen to be around the area. My parents usually wouldn't want to go there as they feel the area is not so safe and hard to find parking place. But heck, i'll just take a bus in with my friends. :cool:


U may park at plaza pelangi cRpark itself. Been going thsre for many yrs. So far so good.


Re: Almost Robbed in JB

OK people... finally CRIME has landed on me in JB.

This is at Pearl Restaurant, ie a coffee shop opposite the Petronas kiosk where you can wait for bus CW3. I took my usual routine of going there for dinner about 10+ pm earlier last night. As i got down my car after parking, there was a bespectacled man in 30s beside my car... looked like a typical family man. I thought he was waiting for his
family to get into his car beside mine. Instead, he spoke to me in Chinese "robbery"... i still din't get it... he
repeated "robbery, get back into your car"... then only i noticed he was holding something which looked like a
I finally came to my senses this guy was trying to rob me... i was not sure if the pistol was real as i did not serve
NS... but my impulse told me to counter-attack. I was shouting like a madman fighting for his life as i struggled
with him and we both fell onto the road. During the struggle he fired a shot... i heard only small sound with some
smoke coming out. So it was a fake gun. Within the split second his accomplice has taken my wife's wallet and
came to join him. By then the people from the coffee shop realised this does not look like an ordinary fight and
came forward but the two has fled.

Only my wife's pouch was taken with some RM100 bucks within, no other damage, except a few bruises on my
mouth, elbow, toes.
Looks like my car has attracted some attention and someone has observed our routine. Fortunately they were
amateurs with fake guns, otherwise things could have been worse.

So people... be watchful when you are out and about. Imagine this happened near a coffee shop with so many
people around.

Sorry to hear that bro. Glad u r ok. We must always be vigilant and aware of our surroundings. Tho i would advise not to take risk unless u sure its a fqke gun. Tho i may hv gone thru ns i may not be able to distinguish bet fake or real gun at that very moment. Life is more precious.

Huang Lei

New Member
Hi, can anyone suggest where to get readily marinated barbecue items as well as the accessories? It will be convenient for me if I get those from one stop shop.Thanks!


Re: Almost Robbed in JB

Hi Lemans,

Glad to hear that you and wife OK. Good for you, as your nick implies, got Balls..... (excuse the crude expression...:p) simply giving in could have resulted in a worse situation for both of you. Glad you had the presence and reacted quickly, not giving the coward a chance BUT happy you were not hurt. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Hi Lemans Bro...
Thank goodness that both of you are safe. Agree with Bro Grago... u very brave man to counter the "act decent" thief, give him a good lesson! Dun bully folks and of all should't be hurting folks! Young man willing to work hard a bit can surely find living & dun resort by harming fellow folks to gain money. Like that life also not happi.

I also agree that all of us need to stay alert at all times no mater you are XX or XY.


Hi Narmi

My JB neighbours advised us to avoid plaza pelangi (& it's car park) and the streets behind if possible. When u're there, do be careful ... feel safer at KSL City (but parking quite expensive)....


U may park at plaza pelangi cRpark itself. Been going thsre for many yrs. So far so good.


thanks bro, will try the food there!

Hi Lastresort,

The thai steamboat has got parking lot right in front of the resturant. It's the row of shop houses... got a no. of resturant ard there. At the end, if i recall correctly got a CMIB bank.

Hope you like and enjoy!

Just some update... went to this
Best Chicken Chop place last evening "IT Roo Cafe" ... had dinner there to try out the food. The place got a very retro feel of old coffeeshop setting with modern air con or alfresco.. pictures on the wall, clock and a poster on late Princess Diana. It got crowded as i was eating half way through... tot some of sharing this place as some many also like the kopi there. I had their kaya and bread toast... yum yum.. reminds me of my childhood days of slice of butter (cold storage nu you) in between the toast bread with kaya... :p

Cheers... (thinking of a good time for the gathering)
p/s. Bros i like to pte invitation thingy.. but the mailbox here like limited.. got expert can help or teach me in this??


Hi Narmi

My JB neighbours advised us to avoid plaza pelangi (& it's car park) and the streets behind if possible. When u're there, do be careful ... feel safer at KSL City (but parking quite expensive)....

Thanx Austin. Will Always b alert n vigilant. Will be going there later in d afternoon btw.
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