Grago, i am not Tai Ko, i am but just a Xiao Di (Hia Di), unloved by his government and even his father as well. My dad admitted to my staff very recently that he never expected his useless son who he never invested to do well. Needless to say, he hope they (my sisters) will succeed more than me.
My wife and principal related this to me yesterday, reminded me of the song my wife chose for me for my dad when i brought my parents to Hong Kong, Taiwan and US.
Sometimes, no matter what you do, you will never do enough. Still, the son you detests most may well turn out to be the son that loves you the most. Most insulting was my wife dedicated the 12 lotus song to me, everytime i kenna problems from the family. So many people just see your success now, they never saw your shedding of blood and tears or working 2-3 shifts just to pay off debts not of your own.
I hear you Bro. One learns to live with it and carry on with one's life and family. My kids are my joy together with my wife, I have what I need in and I shouldn't ask for any more.... As I surely hope it's your good fortune to have met your wife and have your own family. As I have been told "learn to be at peace with myself and not to strive to meet the expectations of others least the effort to achieve those expectations cause discord and disharmony to all those that you hold dear around you" It's much easier to be given that advice. It's been a bumby one trying to achieve it.
I'm sure I speak for all the regular contributors here in saying that the manner in which you have extended your unselfish and gracious help would not detract you from being addressed as Tai Ko/ Tua Koh - Hokkien pretty rusty