Almost dying from the terrible jams. EVen without the stupid bio-metric implementation, school holidays usually make my blood boil when I need to return home to JB. It has always been the case. Look out for year end Christmas season. At 8pm on a Saturday, u still need to Q for 1 whole hour at Malaysia 2nd link just to enter JB. Usually on a normal Saturday, there are no jams at nights. These bad jams have affected my work. Being a Monday, I have tons of things to clear but if i were to leave after 5pm, I will be struck in jams at 2nd link and reach HH probably almost 7pm if the jam is really bad. So I need to stop work at 3pm today just to make sure I dont get struck in LONG terrible jams. But I am sure I will still need to Q for at least 15 minutes at Malaysia checkpoints. Please do give us the free-flowing traffic soon