True most countries offer Primary Education for free.
In Spore it costs a measly $10.50. You and i would agree that its a small sum to pay.
Now even if that $10.50 seems large i would like to let you know the school is prepared to wave it off.
I think the standard of education offered in Spore is pretty much unmatched elsewhere including in the USA. I have my nephews studying in public schools there. The education system with specific reference to the USA and its public schools leaves a lot to be desired.
I am not sure about Japan and in anycase Japan is a far more developed country than Spore and has a huge GDP. It is one of the biggest economies in the world. So from that perspective it should be a given for them. Right?
Now its possible that public schools in Malaysia have an inexpensive system as well. But i wanna ask are the schools conveniently located in every Taman? Are there buses to charter your kids to school in MY if there are no schools in your Taman? Are there Dental clinics within the schools? Assuming there are no buses to take your kids to school are there atleast footpaths for your kids to walk in Malaysia? Apart from Lebuhraya here and lebuhraya there do you find any smaller lanes with footpaths designated to bring your kids to school and back safely?
And the list goes on...
BTW i am not challenging or arguing with anyone here. Just having a discussion.

Please feel free to throw your ideas at me as well.